Prior to the meet an active badger sett was found to be freshly blocked along with some rabbit holes. A police officer attended as soon as they could and made sure that the sett was made safe for badgers and spent much of the day monitoring the hunt. When the hunt moved off they went first to that area. Then on to Town Street Farm where there has been a lot of funny business in the log piles. Two quad bikes were already parked up there. It has also been signed up for the badger cull.
Roger (the farmer) was decidedly worried as was field master Edward Phillipson Stow and badger shooter / gamekeeper Chris Bowers. Then it was off to Haw bridge where a fox ran towards Town Street through a flock of sheep to mask his scent. Mark Melladay, huntsman, encouraged them on but to no avail as the sheep had been all over the place by then, there was some citronella and hounds were rated off the line. There was some calling back of hounds for ages at Cumberwood Farm. They went on for a while after.
Tonight we are also remembering Barry Horne who died 20 years ago after repeated hunger strikes in prison. The Labour government had reneged on their promise to hold an enquiry into vivisection and he was asking for them to keep that promise.