27th February – Ledbury Hunt

Today we attended the Ledbury meet at the Elms school in Colwall. The school sends the children who study there out hunting as part of their physical education… which is an, ermmm, interesting choice especially with the amount of decidedly dodgy activity we have seen the Ledbury engage in… dig outs, blocked setts, assaults on sabs, reports from farmers /others of trespass, hounds on main roads, illegal hunting and so on and so forth.

Anyway, lots of children out and very polite they were as well to their credit, it costs nothing but it is sad that very young children are being taught that hunting wild animals is acceptable. The hunt moved off from the school through British Camp to Castlemorton Common under the watchful eyes of Malvern Hills Conservators wardens who attended the land in their charge in 2 vehicles. The man standing in the front of the picture is a warden there to make sure that nothing illegal is going on. Quads and any terrier activity is completely banned and they are only supposed to trail hunt…

They then decided to pop over to Castlemorton itself (into land where the wardens have no jurisdiction) and lurk near some badger setts under the watchful eye of foot sab who was told that her safety could not be guaranteed from 2 tiny podgy-looking terriers. She coped admirably, no funny business at all.

Back to Castlemorton Common where the wardens once again continued their watch. Eventually they popped over to Welland and drew blank and on finally to their favourite the Stanks where not much happened either. Several setts checked but none found blocked. Pack up at 17.00 but a quiet day for sabs.

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