Ledbury Hunt Opening Meet: 6th November 2015

We went along to the opening meet of the Ledbury Hunt at the Corse Lawn Hotel (located in the Gloucestershire badger cull zone) today.

This is just a little medley of things that happened during the day: the drain in which a fox went to ground a couple of weeks back during cubbing had been blocked up with stones, a supporter tried to block our car from driving along the road as we were parking up to stop and listen out for the hunt, the same supporter then pathetically kicked a sab in the foot as the hounds were heard speaking near Roger Warner’s land in Tirley.

The supporter was, at the time, trying to help an old guy walk after he had fallen over – an ambulance was then called for him – so she should have really cared more about him. Indeed the sab whose foot she kicked had initially said “oh, sorry” as she thought they had bumped into each other and she turned as she apologised only to notice the woman’s foot sticking out and her laughing. How nice.

Sabs also had to slow down cars (driving within the speed limit) to stop them potentially having an accident with hunt horses who were walking around on the road around a bend and were not easily visible to drivers from either direction. Good start to the season Mark…

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