11th January 2018 – North Cotswold / Beaufort joint meet


Joint meet of the North Cotswold Hunt and the Duke of Beaufort’s. Ryefield farm.

Ermm,well, what to say really. The artificial earth was staked out by a sab on the off chance that someone would turn up and do something silly. Sure enough Will Haines turned up with all his Beaufort terrierman chums. They waited outside the covert whilst his terrier ran into the AE, after being encouraged by him to do so, to bolt the fox out to the Beaufort pack hunted by Matt Ramsden who was drawing the top of the covert. The sab’ had to jump out of their hiding place in order to stop proceeedings. Will was not too happy to see the sab but did make an, ultimately, successful attempt to call his dog out and catching them before they escaped back down the earth. The Beaufort boys were asked to assist him with his predicament and then all left the covert.

The Beaufort pack had picked up what is thought to be another fox’s scent and started to hunt him. They were very effectively sabbed by the Beaufort terriermen who rated them back to the huntsman. It is thought that the fox in the AE was not bolted out (although the terrier had a good try), the fox being hunted was let be as they all ran away quite fast. Suprisingly Richard Sumner who was convicted of several counts of illegal hunting was outside the covert watching proceedings, you would have thought he would know better.

Of course, a blocked sett was also found, reported and unblocked. They ran to the hills…

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