9th July – sett found blocked with manure in Glos cull zone


There is now no doubt whatsoever. The supplementary culls for both zone 1 Gloucestershire and zone 2 Somerset went on for 5 months as announced by DEFRA. Cage trapping ran from 29th August 2017 to 30th November 2017 and free shooting from 29th August 2017 to 15th January 2018 in both zones.

The new licences are also out for both zones from 29th June 2018 and it would be sensible to consider the probability that the government sponsored cull has recommenced in both areas on some level. On the ground over the last few evenings shots have been heard, pro cull landowners more jumpy but as yet no proof either way. One sett checked last night on the east of Gloucs zone 1 had a ton of manure on it. The sab who checked found at first the trashed cages from 2 years ago and then it dawned that there were no runs, no latrines, every hole blocked leaving the badgers to suffocate within and some weeks ago by the look of it. The sett was last looked at in March this year. It has been reported to the police, RIP badgers.

If supplementary cull licences are granted to other zones on top of illegal culling, sett blocking, “developers”, road traffic deaths, etc badgers are in danger. We need people on the ground checking setts. If you live in either of the first 2 zones please get out there now and sett check when you can or patrol in the evenings for an hour or so. For Gloucestershire Badger Office the number is 07709 624903.
Meanwhile badgers (and other wildlife) are dying in the heat. We seem to have enough water for industry, for our sprinklers, for our swimming pools as they die of thirst. It will be easy enough for the cullers to bait starving badgers to their deaths in this weather.

So what to do? Well the autonomous local groups and individuals in the old Gloucs zone Newent Badger Alliance and Z16 have maintained a regular presence against all badger culling and this seems to be the key, fully autonomous groups looking after their own local setts. A few hours a day/night where you live can make a massive difference. Sett checking as part of life. Popping into check setts on passing them on the way to the shops/work/a night out. Maintaining structures such as an office, a petrol fund, central mapping etc all year round. Those operating in nearby newer areas checking known setts in old zones when the opportunity arises. Concentrating on protecting a few setts all year round with photographic evidence filed and checks documented properly in the local area. Sett checking pre and post hunt sabbing. Reporting wildlife crime to the police and the Badger Trust. Some of the stuff we have been doing with other groups. And as the cullers chop and change what they are doing, well so can we.

Everyone has a right to a life outside this so this is about badger protection as and when we can do it in a sustainable way. We owe it to our wildlife to do something though even if it is just giving them some food and water.

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