11th September 2018 – *** The cull has started across the Cotswolds, north and south ***

David Barton – cull company director and NFU poster boy – has been filmed baiting cages on his land near Daglingworth. The film was taken a few days ago after a badger was filmed approaching the cage the night before. Tonight we are told that those cages were set to trap and kill badgers at dusk… apparently they are now not fit for that purpose.

Mr. Barton was in the media concerning btb in his beef herd see hereWhilst we sympathise with him (but more so with the animals who are killed, bovine and badger alike) we do not need to eat meat or dairy. We urge him to consider a more compassionate livelihood. It is clear he cares for his herd (until they go to the abbatoir) but that is no excuse to kill badgers.

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