28th August 2019 – VWH

We met up with Mendip Hunt Sabs, Cirenceseter Illegal Huntwatch and Ridgeway Illegal Huntwatch for a meet at 6am at Braydon Pond near Malmesbury, Wiltshire. There was some picking up in that area, scent on and off, and then they crossed the road and drew some maize.

They looked as though they were about to do some classic holding-up, but thought better of it with sabs present. There was some attempt to stop us getting near to where we could hear cubs being hunted deep within the maize crop and this went on for a while with them leaving us alone in the end.

We certainly cannot claim that there were no kills but this fox on the film, at least, ran to safety. The rest of the day (considering that everywhere we sab now is in one badger cull zone or the other) was spent looking at badger setts.

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