About Us

Please note that all of our information on this page is available for non-commercial use. You can download our videos, share our photos and copy our words and articles IF you give credit to Three Counties Sabs (and others where stated) and do not make any money from doing so. Additionally, please do not take any of our words out of context – doing so may spread false information and put lives in danger

Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs are a small group of people dedicated to preventing hunts from killing wildlife in the Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire areas. We mainly focus on foxhunts, but also go to Harrier packs who hunt hares as well as foxes and have been known to sabotage a mink hunt or two, as well as beagle and basset packs.

We have also been heavily involved in sabotaging the badger cull in Gloucestershire since 2013 as it has taken place right in the middle of our usual sabbing territory. Things are definitely going to change as the cull continues to roll out in several new areas, meaning fewer people will be traveling into Gloucestershire to help out and more local groups will be getting set up to tackle the cull in zones nearer to themselves.

We were integral in setting up Gloucestershire Badger Office who coordinate resistance to the badger cull in the West Gloucestershire, North Cotswold and South Cotswold zones, part of the North Wiltshire zones and will be involved also in Worcestershire and Oxfordshire when the cull rolls out.

We regularly join up with other sab groups to show solidarity with them and don’t stop at intervening in the killing of wildlife for sport and in the name of bad science as we also work alongside local vegan outreach and environmental organisations and spread the word about ethical issues and demonstrations against abuse within the Three Counties area.

The Hereford Heckler wrote a Campaign Profile on us in 2015.

Our work occasionally gets into the mainstream media such as in this article.

To get involved or ask us any questions about what we do keep an eye on this website, our facebook page or email us at threecountiessabs@live.co.uk. We also have a twitter account.

3C Hunt Sabs: 07891 639803

Some of our sabs contribute information to Three Counties Wildlife Crime Watch, in particular updating the rest of the collective on changes to laws regarding hunts and culls in the area and being passed any information regarding illegal hunting and other illegal activity connected to hunting. To contact Three Counties Wildlife Crime Watch check out their facebook page, or email or call anonymously if desired.

If you would like to donate to our group, we have a paypal account.
