Category Archives: public

Politics vs Culture?

How many times have I heard phrases such as ‘let’s take politics out of it for a minute’, or ‘regardless of the politics’, or worst of all (because it comes from politicians) ‘that’s just playing politics’? When did ‘politics’ become … Continue reading

Posted in activism, art, General, public | Leave a comment

democracy reflections – talking to each other

As he pounds the streets of Oxford, Adam Ramsay has been reflecting on how to get people talking democracy… I have recently been knocking on lot of doors and asking people to vote for me. It’s local council elections in … Continue reading

Posted in activism, democracy, General, people, public, support | Leave a comment

What is Democracy Outside?

Democracy Outside is an interactive public performance about democracy, it makes political movement(s) real, it’s part street theatre & part political action, it blurs the boundaries between ‘art’ and ‘activism’, it challenges apathy and the neutralising of public space – … Continue reading

Posted in activism, art, democracy, General, people, public | 2 Comments