As we type we’ve probably finished for the 2019/20 hunting season, well unless we received any more tip offs, but we can confirm our local hunt the Flint and Denbigh have packed up for the season as have many of the North West hunts. Our Summer now will largely consist of sett surveying and preparation for this years badger cull as did last Summer which took us to start of the Cubbing season at the end of August and badger cull at the start of September. We started sabbing cub hunting on the last Saturday on August as usual, but our first outing turned more into a hack, the Flint and Denbigh hunt were waiting on their new huntsman Nigel Cox to arrive following the retirement of huntsman Jeremy Reed who stated he could no longer continue to hunt because of us… What a result!! New first whip Jay Reardon and newly promoted second whip Toby Dunn took charge until Cox arrived.

To start with when caught blatantly cub hunting Nigel Cox would gather his hounds and do a runner, all seemed like a lot of panic setting in just as we had found with former huntsman Jeremy Reed. But unfortunately as cubbing went on the hunt seemed less bothered about the fact they were clearly illegally hunting. On one occasion we had a lone sab out at a cub hunting meet at Mostyn estate. When the sab arrived the hounds were in thick brambles clearly after a fox. It’s hard to say whether they’d killed this fox or not but the hunt then headed off and straight onto another fox, with no attempt by the huntsman to call the hounds off despite a sab being right there in the middle of it all. Possibly the same fox was then seen fleeing the hounds into yet again more thick overgrowth, this time it looks like they did kill the fox. With the huntsman overheard on the radio to his whipper-in. Nigel Cox then celebrated and shown his backside to the lone sab.

The first full meet of the season was at the end of October and once again we suspect the hunt had killed. Once again Nigel Cox hunted his hounds in thick overgrowth berring as he did so, berring being an attempt to unsettle any foxes that may have been resting up in the overgrowth. We didn’t retrieve a body on this occasion either due to the thick brambles. Whilst this was going on another sab was assaulted and had a spray bottle stolen from him. Despite this all being on film North Wales police decided to take No Further Action, who knows how they came to this conclusion without even taking a statement from the sab or even interviewing his attacker. But what North Wales police did was ignore the crime and instead try stitch up the sab with some made up nonsense. We can just see the police Sargent in Denbigh station rubbing his hands together at the prospect of stitching up another sab. North Wales police have been mostly standoffish with us this season after we outed them last Summer after they failed to stitch up 3 sabs under Operation Yarder where the police colluded with the illegal Flint and Denbigh hunt. A couple of occasions riders have ridden horses into us this season and the police response is that it isn’t an assault…. What an absolute joke!

In the second half the Flint and Denbigh hunt second they really upped their game but even more assaults, the new whipper-in Jay Reardon being a prime offender using his horse to assault sabs on a number of occasions. Not to be outdone Toby Dunn also got in on tbe act of using his horse as a weapon, and Mathew Briggs another one. The assaults we had to report to tbe police were fewer this season largely because tbe shamed Community Councillor Ed Lloyd-Ellis was hardly seen all season, we can probably pub this down to him being laughed out of court last Summer and the fact he dropped North Wales police right in it when he blabbed about Operation Yarder. What a corrupt situation… the man who the police have failed to charge despite some 18 assaults turned out to be part of an anti protesters operation with the police. Towards the end of the season the blatant illegal hunting continued, seems like to closer to the end the less the hunt were bothered about getting caught. We have submitted footage of illegal hunting and assaults to the police but have yet to hear anything back. We noticed a drop of supporters towards the end of the season maybe that’s to do with tbe Flint and Denbigh hunt giving the huntsmans job for next season to hound abuser Robert Metcalf.

We joined up with so many sab and monitor groups this season we don’t want to attempt to name them all incase we miss one out. But we did also hit hunts in Cheshire, Shropshire and Derbyshire. What’s happened in Cheshire is amazing, with Andrew German having his last season at the Cheshire Forest hunt he’s actually been following trails all season. The Cheshire hounds even pretended to do this towards the end of the season. The Wynnstay? Still as vile as ever. We can’t give enough praise to the anti hunt groups who operate in the Cheshire area for this amazing achievement. In Shropshire we attended the North Shropshire hunt, the Wheatland hunt which was a first for us, and the South Shropshire who we hadn’t hit for a while. We also made some trips to Derbyshire, New years day was our first encounter with the Barlow hunt who we also hit again later in the Season. We also packed up the Meynell hunt after they rioted through a village and on the same day the South Notts hunt who packed up not long after we turned up.
Thanks for all your support!

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