Hit report 14/11/2020
After Welsh “fire break” lockdown ended today we expected the first full meet of the season for the Flint and Denbigh hunt. But after yesterday exposure of the web zoom meeting of the hunting office we imagine we were the last people the hunt wanted to see https://www.facebook.com/623112207717516/posts/4002436749785028/
Not to let a opportunity pass we found the Flint and Denbigh hunt in Cefn Meiriadog with 35 riders out and not to mention the support, making this an illegal gathering, some appearing to be from the Wynnstay hunt, the police had promised to be strict on covid regulations but obviously not, the hunt were clearly gathering in a group of over 30, no social distancing and no masks, but hey North Wales police are only concerned about what we are doing.
The hunt parked at few different locations to try look like their was less out and bizarrely left the meet to join the hounds rather than the other way around. So after leaving the meet the hounds were in cry, but sabs were never far away and called off the hounds on a few occasions (videos to follow) The hunt didn’t seem to follow any particular route and were all over the place. A Derby hunt sab who has been unfortunately locked down this side of he border was offered the whipper-in job after the huntsman admitted the sab could count hound better than their own whipper-in Toby… Tobys next job cound be in anything apart from accountancy but unfortunately he does not know it yet.
Huntsman Medcalf could also do with a few lessons himself, as if wasn’t only foxes he was illegal hunting but also deer on numerous occasions.
The hunt who were blatantly trying to illegally hunt just couldn’t slip sabs all day which resulted in terrier man Rob Smithy going into a bit of a meltdown on a numer of occasions some we can’t report on as are now police matters (we want hold are breathe) …..
The hunt who didn’t seem to know what they were doing and had no explanations for the above zoom meetings, really could do with a new whipper-in. By around 3.30 they seemed to have found most the hounds and sulked off back to the kennels.
If you want to donate to North Wales Sabs you can on this here like. Thank you https://ko-fi.com/nwsabs
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