Hit report 5/12/20
Blatant hunting and criminal damage at Mostyn estate.
You’d think maybe the Flint and Denbigh hunt would keep a low profile, try not to be caught red handed blatantly breaking the law after the leaked webinar proved all hunts of being the liars we always knew them to be, but no they just don’t care. They met at Mostyn estate in Tre-Mostyn to the disgust of many a local who came our of their homes to show support to the sabs, the leaked webinar has really upset a lot a decent law abiding people. As sabs headed into the estate and towards the big manor house the hunt had already slipped out and crossed the road and hounds were already in cry. The hounds were in cry for quite a while as foot sabs were making their way back out of the estate. As sabs got onto a bridleway that goes through the woods the hounds still in cry ran across the path in front of us, the huntsman in a field nowhere near, at this point the fox then bolted in the opposite direction to where the hounds had ran back across the bridleway towards the direction the hounds had just come from. When the huntsman finally did show up the hounds were already split up half in one side of the path half to the other. We informed the huntsman that once again we had caught him chasing a fox to which he replied “All’s good” Well no all is not good you’re clearly hunting foxes which also happens to be illegal.
The hunt then headed in the direction of Top y Coed lodge and put the hounds into another overgrown copse. With the riders and huntsman stood on point around the copse the hounds were left inside to search for foxes, the huntsman Medcalf stood on point next to a fox run coming into the field. The hounds were in there for a few minutes picking up on the scent of a fox, it’s clearly obvious nobody could have laid a trail as a smokescreen through the thick brambles even if they wanted to. We put it to Medcalf that the webinar had really spoiled their “wheeze” but the huntsman denied seeing it and claimed not to be on the internet. When the huntsman left him point next to the fox run and rode to the otherside the copse it was as then that the fox did bolt via the run, fortunately the huntsman was now on the otherside. We’d only been here for about half an hour and 2 foxes had already been seen fleeing the hunt. The hunt moved off again and headed South and at this point tried to lose the sabs,
The hunt circled Coed y Carreg which isn’t in their usual boundaries, a pointless attempt though as sabs stuck with them. The hunt then crossed the road into the Ffriddoedd area, which consists of a largeish woodland area. With not much access via roads the foot sabs followed and hounds were in cry once again, there is never any attempt by this huntsman to call his hounds off the scent of a fox. The hounds had been in cry for some time as the huntsman let them run riot through the woodland. Sabs who’d driven around to the opposite end of the woodland then came across the hounds still in full cry as they come out the woodland into the field, at this point we needed to use our “gizmo” to try draw the hounds off the line of the fox, the hounds did pause for a few seconds buying the fox some valuable time but then the hounds re-entered the woodland still in cry. As sabs attempted the follow the hounds though the woodland it was clear nobody had been through this terrain with it’s steep and slippery embankment. How on earth is claiming you’ve laid a trail through there a plausible smokescreen for your illegal hunting? When the huntsman finally turned up they crossed the road back onto the side of the Mostyn estate but straight away hounds picked up on the scent of a fox, but this time using the gizmo we were able to take control of the full pack. Footsabs followed the huntsman down the road and onto a footpath. Meanwhile the excitement of hearing the hounds in cry had got the hunt riders into quite a frenzy, you could practically see them frothing at the mouth. In their desire to see a fox being chased the riders barged passed a van vehicle with one of the riders smashing the wing mirror off our vehicle. The frustration was also now showing with the huntsman who was shouting at his new whipper-in Will, clearly will is no better at his “job” as the previous 2 Toby and Jay. With footsabs on the heels of the huntsman and the hunts tempers starting to fray they make one last attempt to shake us off zig-zagging around the estate before heading back to pack up.
The leaked webinar has really shook up things. There is a clear change of attitude from the hunt who look rattled and also by the police. A new tactic of the terrier men is to shout abuse at sabs then filmed a reaction, but clearly we didn’t come down in the same shower as them. The terrier men who’ve abused us for 10 years now trying to act the victim it a desperate last clutch at the straws.

We send our solidarity with the saboteurs who were attacked elsewhere yesterday.
Thank for you kind donations you can donate to us on this link https://ko-fi.com/nwsabs
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