F&D Cubbing, Trefnant. 11/9/21

Hit report 11/9/21

It’s getting awfully embarrassing for the Flint and Denbigh hunt, in what resembled a scene out of a ‘Carry On’ film this morning….
The horses were delivered to the Cefn Meiriadog kennels this morning which suggested the huntsman and whips will be riding out from the kennels…. BUT once they realised we were watching, the kennel staff stood at the kennels one hand on hip the other scratching their heads… Then whoever is the brains behind the operation came up with a plan. (*disclaimer we haven’t a clue which one is the brains)

No rest for the Flint and Denbigh

After getting the horses out of the horsebox they put the horses back In the back of the wagon, plus the hounds, plus the huntsman and 2 whipper-ins, all hiding in the back as they tried to sneak off passed us and head to Trefnant! After we stopped laughing at now pathetic this lot have become, we caught up with them at Plas Heaton Estate in Trefnant. Terrier men, riders stood on point as the hounds were cast into a maize field, stereotypical illegal cub hunting. As the hounds went into cry a sab believe he may have seen the fox running some 20 meters ahead of the hounds in the maize field, but as the sab attempted to run alongside the maize field an elderly bumpkin deliberately stepped across the line of the sab and body checked him causing the sabs to fall into tbe barbed wire fencing…. thankfully the hounds had lost the scent of the fox which was a running theme throughout the day. As the hunt went in search of the lost fox, the radio of the whipper-in was overheard “FOX ON”…….. the hounds in cry ran to the woodland next to the Plas Heaton Estate house. But despite having all the riders stood on point around tbe woodland the hounds drew a blank. They spent some time in the woodland but not a peep out of the hounds. They then left the estate via Cau Draen and headed into Plas Newydd estate.

In Plas Newydd estate the hunt attempted to hold up many a coppice and wood but each time the hunt started to pick up on a scent they soon lost it. The hunt were fed up which is more than we can say about their emaciated hounds. Once again they had some kid go a quad shouting abuse, but that wasn’t as embarrassing as the Honeymonster who tried to act the hard man in front of his new born but only ended up getting laughed at by his friends. Who takes a baby to watch fox cubs getting ripped to bits? By around 10.20am the sour faced hunt packed up.

Thanks for your amazing support, if you’d like to donate to us you can on this link https://gogetfunding.com/help-for-repairs-to-our-landy/

Flint and Denbigh hunting fox cubs in a maize field.

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