Lord Lieutenant drives at sabs whilst the Flint and Denbigh hunt foxes

Hit report 25/10/22

sabbing the Flint and Denbigh hunt.

The Flint and Denbigh hunt met at 8am at Coed Coch Estate in Dolwen, a big pheasant shooting estate and home of Davina the head of the Flint and Denbigh hunt and her husband Harry Fetherstonehaugh the Lord Lieutenant of Clwyd. Clearly the Flint and Denbigh don’t give a toss about the guild lines that have been put into place to try stem the spread of avian flu and instead decided the trample all over a pheasant shooting estate where thousands of birds have been released into the wild just to be shot.

Lord Lieutenant of Clwyd Harry Fetherstonehaugh likes to drive at sabs.

Some guild lines the Flint and Denbigh hunt do follow though is Hankinsons guild to creating a “smokescreen” by pretending to lay trails. Unfortunately for the Flint and Denbigh hunt they’re very good at it. We filmed their “smokescreen trail layers” one of them being a child pretending to lay a trail as they dragged a rag across fields. The hunt on the other hand went nowhere near where the rag had been dragged and instead attempted to hunt foxes. By now we’d been joined by the Lord Lieutenant of Clwyd who was driving his mule buggy at sabs as they filmed the hunt attempting to flush foxes from a nearby coppice. Fetherstonehaugh as the land owner is complicit under section 3 of the hunting act for allowing an illegal fox hunt on his land, however as Lord Lieutenant he has an unhealthy relationship with North Wales Police. The hunt did then pick up on a fox, we told huntsman Robert Medcalf to call his hounds off but with his friends in high places right there he didn’t care. The hounds ran through fields of worried sheep and over barbed wire fences before losing the scent.

Head of the Flint and Denbigh hunt Davina Fetherstonehaugh.

The hunt moved off and headed over fields to another woodland, the huntsman went ahead of field riders and once again attempted to flush foxes. The huntsman spent a considerably long time in this woodland and by now hounds were all over the place. HGC Conwy a Dinbych Wledig / NWP Conwy & Denbigh Rural were now on scene but instead of paying attention to the loose hounds on the road, the illegal hunting or the fact sabs had been driven at, the forelock tugging cops questioned our driver about how many sabs were out? Where were they? And what are they doing? At this point we noticed some of the hounds has mud of their muzzles as if they’d had their noses in a holeā€¦. on further inspection hounds were indeed “marking to ground” and sabs needed to call the hounds out of a badger sett where a fox had taken refuge. It’s hard to say if this was an active badger sett due to the mess the hounds had made of the entrances. Eventually Robert Medcalf realised his game was up and called them back. As we drove a little further down the road a young fox was seen in the same woodland. After attempting one final draw the hunt then headed back into Coed Coch estate and pack up.

Flint and Denbigh hunt hounds in a badger sett marking to ground.

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