Wynnstay hunt move their meet to Monday because they are in court on Tuesday

Hit report 21/11/22

The call came in this morning from Cheshire Monitors that the Wynnstay hunt had moved their Tuesday meet to this morning as tomorrow the huntsman is in court facing 2 charges under the hunting act.

Due to the short notice we were a little late arriving at Sanwardine Hall near Cockshutt in Shropshire. We arrived to find our comrades from Cheshire Monitors and Cheshire Against Blood Sports already on the hunt…. a runner from Cheshire Monitors had already called the hounds off a fox. The hunt didn’t seem to have much of a plan and sulked around in the estate attempting to hide from us, but to no avail. With a runner on the hunt most the day and a drone above it was practically impossible for the hunt to be able to hunt foxes with the fear of being caught out again the day before court.

Up with the drone.

The Wynnstay went in circles and only covered a small area of land. The hunts security followed our vehicle which allowed the other groups the time and space to stick with the hunt. The security made some strange admissions on film admitting one hasn’t got a security licence and were only there for the pay….

Wynnstay weirdo

The hunt attempted one last draw around Petton Gorse but once again the runner was able to call the hounds out and the hunt packed up at 2pm, probably because the huntsmans in serious needs of a bath before tomorrows hearing….

Thanks for all your support, as usual our donations link with be in comments section below

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