Hit report 26/11/22

The Flint and Denbigh hunt met at the home of the Lord Lieutenant of Clwyd, Coed Coch estate is Dolwen, which seems to give them the green light to commit any crimes they like, from the off they blatantly hunted foxes one after another.

Flint and Denbigh whipper Matthew Briggs

In what was another terrible turn out for the hunt, with only 9 field riders and no hunt support, it really does look like the end of days at the Flint and Denbigh hunt, we saw more horseboxes heading down the A55 and out of North Wales than were actually at this sorry looking hunt. The hunt attempted to leave Coed Coch estate via a side gate to give us the slip, but with a drone already up their “terribly good wheeze” was foiled. As we drove around the opposite side the estate we located the hunt searching for their hounds in a load of bracken, which very much looked like they’d chased a fox into. The huntsmans excuse, which made absolutely no sense was that one of the riders had had a nasty fall… that doesn’t explain why he’d already lost his hounds and why it took them some time to gather them out of the bracken. As the hunt moved off again and headed towards a badger sett entrance where the terrier men were caught hovering above the hounds immediately picked up on another scent, no doubt the terrier men had flushed the fox from the earth. The hounds in cry gave chase at speed towards Waen Farm. The hunt appeared to have lost the scent and once again lost their hounds, which was a theme for the day, the whippers spent most the day calling the hounds in between getting b#llocked by the huntsman. One of the whips was in a particularly foul mood, Matthew Briggs struggled to control his horse all day and on one occasion came galloping down the road on the wrong side out of control, then started screaming and shouting at our driver as if it was her fault, Matthew must have had his big pants on today.

State of that….

The hunt then headed through Coed y Brân, huntsman Robert Medcalf took the hounds to the top of the woods making burring sounds to unsettle any foxes in the woods, the field riders stood on-point on the bridleway waiting for a fox to be flushed in their direction. The hunt headed off and soon picked up on another scent and gave chase again, the police who were totally out of their depth sat in their car and watched, the police had admitted they were motorway police and hadn’t a clue what they were doing there and were mythed as to why the rural crime team weren’t there, and haven’t been all season. Once again the hunt had lost the scent of the fox and hounds had now trespassed onto land they weren’t meant to be on. The huntsman once again spending some time attempting to round the hounds up and shouting at his whippers, even teachers pet Toby was in the bad books.

Flint and Denbigh whipper Will Deague
a.k.a Wilby

The hunt moved off and continued to attempt to get on the scent of foxes. As the hunt headed towards Coed Coch Hall they did pick up on another scent as the hounds ran off from the road across a field towards the hall, the huntsman recklessly jumping his horse off a wall to give chase, he radios the terrier men to tell them to situate themselves near the farm entrance as he attempted to flush the fox in that direction. But on realising we had sab surrounding the area the hunt decided against it and stopped at around 1.30pm for a top up on port, as if they can even ride sober…..

learn to ride a horse Matthew big pants

The hunt eventually set off again shortly after 2pm, unfortunately the hunt had seemed to have gotten themselves blocked in at the hall, Davina now struggling to put on her posh voice after having a little too much port was getting a little embarrassed when it was pointed out she was only the estates cleaner until she got knocked up by his lordship.
The cold wet conditions hadn’t put the hunt off as they headed up the hills. We had situated sabs on hill sides to film the hunt and once again they picked up on another fox as Robert Medcalf hunted them on. It was difficult to know what was the outcome due to the tough terrain and the trees hiding the hunt. It took the huntsman an age to gather the hounds, which he doesn’t seem to have any control over. Blood on the leg of one of the whippers turned out to be from the nose of his horse, hardly surprising given the way they ride these poor horses. The hunt then headed back to pack up at around 3.30pm.

With all the chaos yesterday we forgot to get some pics of our new vehicle which was purchased thanks to a grant from the Hunt Saboteurs Association, so keep a look out for our post with details of how you can become a member and help groups like us.

Also thank you for all your kind donations our donations link will be in the comments section below.

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