The first hunt we managed to covertly keep tabs on was the Flint and Denbigh hunt who had met on Denbigh High Street….
This raises a lot of questions, we had been informed my members of the council that this hunt had been banned from the High street and had been informed they were not welcome. Rotary Club of Denbigh who organised the road closure for the roll the barrel event claim to have nothing to do with this illegal fox hunt, but yet they’ve not answered our questions as to why they were there then? It’s very possible the Rotary Club and local councillors are telling the truth and the Flint and Denbigh hunt just gatecrashed, after all Denbighshire County Council have told them they are not welcome to hunt on their land but that doesn’t stop them trespassing. Other concerns we’ve put to Denbigh Town Council who carried out the risk assessment for this hunt to be on the high street, a child was bitten by one of the hunts horses, there was also a agricultural registered quad with no number plates on with the hunt, also who is going to pick up all the dog poo that’s now all over the streets of Denbigh. It’s an offence to have dogs off leads on public roads let alone 30 that this hunt prove week in week out that they can’t control.

With only around 30 riders it really shows how this hunt are falling apart. From the high street they headed to Gwaenynog Hall famed for stories by Beatrix Potter… hmm we’re pretty sure Flopsy bunny would have objected to this. From there to Llindir Inn, Henllan probably somewhere you’ll want to avoid in future. Then onto Plas Heaton estate but by now the hunt had been joined by the terrier men who had avoided being seen on the High Street, the hounds did briefly pick up and go into cry in Plas Heaton and also chased a deer. They then Plas Newydd with huntsman Rob Medcalf casting his hounds into woodland where he knew foxes were likely to be as he stood on-point waiting for a fox to be flushed. They eventually packed up around 3.30 near Cae Drain, thankfully this will be Medcalfs last season with the F&D and whoever is foolish enough to take over is in for one hell of a rough ride….
Wynnstay Hunt Boxing Day 2023
The most important hunting day of the season and we headed in convoy with our good friends Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs and Derby Hunt Saboteurs to the meet, avoiding the charade of the Wynnstay parading along Malpas High Street as we wanted to be ready in the field. We covered the area just southwest of the town along Mastiff Lane with our other friends Cheshire Monitors covering the area to the north of our positions.
The hunt moved from the town to our position at about 11.30 accompanied by some support. We were very surprised by how few riders were out on this the most important hunting day of their season. We counted just 20 riders. Past Boxing Day meets used to attract 100+ riders. The support was also low in numbers and generally well behaved apart from five young lads in two vehicles who thought there job was to intimidate and threaten sabs. Well, we must be getting there with such low numbers of riders, support and the hunts continued requirement to employ thugs.

The hunt went parallel with Mastiff Lane making a big show of jumping fences for the few supporters eventually jumping a fence straight on to the concrete surfaced lane (they really do not care about or consider the safety and welfare of their horses), over the road up an embankment and into the fields to the south of Mastiff Lane.
The hunt has a new rider who seems to believe riding his hose at sabs is funny and acceptable behaviour. It’s not, obviously dangerous and against a horses nature to ride at humans and causes the horse considerable distress as the photographs show.
The hounds briefly went into cry behind Woodhouse Farm but with the Cheshire Monitors runners nearby the huntsman called the hounds off and proceeded east along the valley towards Lower Wyche and then north to the meet point at Manor Farm at 12.30.
We assumed a break for lunch with the usual pork pies and port, but no, the hunt just packed up and left leaving deliriously happy sabs and some what fed up support deprived of their Boxing Day sport of watching wild animals ripped to pieces.
A day to remember for sabs and one to forget for the hunt and its supporters.
Can we also thank those folk who gave their time voluntarily behind the scenes . You know who you both are
Cheshire Forest hunt.
After packing up the Wynnstay our sabs went to join some of our other sabs who were at the Cheshire Forest hunt in at Great Budworth along with Cheshire Against Blood Sports Cheshire Border Hunt Saboteurs Stockport Monitors and Independent monitors…
With the Forest completely swamped by anti’s we haven’t got too much to say about it apart from the huntsman didn’t know what to do, with a turnouts of around 40 riders this was a complete disaster as Tom rode around in circles appearing to not have a clue what to do… Tom will also be leaving at the end of the season…..
Thanks for all your support we’ll leave our donations link in the comments below.
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