Why we oppose NATO: links and references


To understand why we oppose NATO, it is helpful to understand the driving forces behind the foreign policy of the U.S. and its close allies, of which NATO is a key part. Continue reading

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Second reply to pro-NATO MP

(Reproduced from Znet with permission from the author.)

Last Sunday a reply to a blog piece by Newport West MP Paul Flynn appeared on Znet.  An e-mail to him elicited a reply, which was replied to enquiring after further details of his views and putting some counter-points, expanded on below.

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Opposition to NATO: “ludicrous posturing” or good sense?

(Reproduced from Znet with permission from the author.)

Why oppose NATO? With the military alliance’s next summit looming over Newport, Wales, and plans being made for a week of action against the summit from August 30th to September 5th, the question has added urgency for people in the UK this summer. Even for some who oppose NATO’s war in Afghanistan, it might seem like going too far to take a stand against the organization. Didn’t they do some good in places like Kosovo? And aren’t they now necessary to contain Putin’s imperial ambitions?

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This year NATO will have their next summit at Celtic Manor Resort, in Newport, south Wales.

In early September 2014, “world leaders” – all directly responsible for untold death, illegal torture flights, and wars fought purely to protect Western business interests and resource supply routes – will gather on the edge of this historic Welsh city.

Many people from Newport, Cardiff, Bristol and beyond, will oppose the summit and use a diversity of tactics against it.Eleni, bydd NATO yn cynnal eu cynhadledd flynyddol yn y Celtic Manor yng Nghasnewydd, de Cymru.

Yn gynnar ym mis Medi 2014 bydd Obama, Hollande, Cameron, Merkel ac eraill yn dod at ei gilydd ar gyrion y ddinas hanesyddol Gymreig hon. Mae’r ‘arweinwyr rhyngwladol’ hyn a’u cynghreiriaid i gyd yn uniongyrchol gyfrifol am farwolaeth ar raddfa eang, teithiau artaith anghyfreithlon, a rhyfeloedd a gaiff eu hymladd er mwyn diogelu buddiannau busnes Gorllewinol a llwybrau cyflenwi adnoddau.

Bydd llawer o bobl o Gasnewydd, Caerdydd, Bryste a thu hwnt, yn gwrthwynebu’r gynhadledd ac yn defnyddio amrywiaeth o dactegau i wrthdystio yn ei erbyn.
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The Long March sets off


The ‘Long March on Newport’ has begun; a few days ago, the first of many relay-walks converging on the NATO summit set off from the Eisteddfod in Llanelli. Check their website for updates and news of where you can join them.

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Graffiti action at BBC Cardiff


A few days ago the BBC offices in Cardiff was spraypainted to draw attention to the bias in their Gaza reporting. One person was arrested and has restrictive bail conditions.

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Video released: The Real NATO Agenda

Coming soon to a city near you…

The real NATO agenda as revealed by this simple but effective bit of street theatre.

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Stop NATO Cymru and Anarchist Action Network National Convergence

This is the last before the NATO summit!

Saturday 16th August 12-6pm Blackpool, at Reclaim the Power

Sunday 17th August 12- 6pm Blackpool, at Reclaim the Power
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Stop NATO Cymru Day of Action against Militarism

On Friday, activists from Stop NATO Cymru conducted three different actions against an army recruitment centre in Cardiff and two weapons companies in London.
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Aflonyddu gan yr heddlu ym MerthyrPolice harassment in Merthyr

On Wednesday, July 9th, the otherwise successful Day of Action against NATO in Merthyr Tydfil was marred by an intrusive police presence, the attempted intimidation of Stop Nato Cymru activists and the harassment of a public meeting that afternoon.

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