Networking at Earth First! summer gathering

Some of our sabs headed over to Northamptonshire for a few days at the Earth First! summer gathering to network, see old friends (and make some new ones), learn some new skills and to update other campaigners on hunting and the badger cull in the three counties and beyond.

We did a talk on Sunday morning with input from sabs and anti-cull campaigners from other groups and made some new connections with people who are heading into the Gloucestershire area soon to give Gloucestershire Badger Office a hand against the cull.

We’ll be focusing heavily on hunts in the cull areas in the three counties over the several months which the hunting season lasts for as well as the cull once it kicks off here.

In the meantime, thanks to everyone who made the gathering great this year, hello to our new friends and thanks to those who we learned some useful new skills from and information on other campaigns such as fracking! We hope to be able to build further networks and help out more in the coming months!

Probably a good time to link to Frack off our Forest and the Forest of Dean Wild Boar Cull Saboteurs as those campaigns are very local to us.

See you in the fields!

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