Today was a busy day for our group and friends from other groups that we normally sab with. Our thoughts are with our friends who witnessed, and filmed, a kill by the Cheshire Foxhounds. Well done getting the footage in such an awful situation! Facebook Video from Cheshire Sabs
Some of our group met up with Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch who were planning to attend a meet of the Beaufort who would be meeting at Westonbirt School once again. Others attended a meet of the Three Counties Bloodhounds (who follow the scent of a consenting human runner). Separate report to follow!
At the Beaufort we struggled to stick with them for the first part of the day, however just as the hunt moved off from the meet a fox broke cover in front of a member of CIHW and ran directly towards a known covert. The hunt hounds were quick to follow and terriermen headed straight for the area too, only to find a couple of CIHW present.
Soon after a large, light ginger dog fox broke cover on a track by 3C and friends and his line was sprayed well. We believe that he was part of a brace (pair) of foxes and that his mate also got away. The hounds came through the area a little later but missed his line.
As the hunt met for ‘second-horse’ we caught up with them again and managed to stick with them well from there on. Hounds were inland by Westonbirt School, in full cry, when a fox leapt a wall by the school in front of our vehicle and ran through hunt supporters’ vehicles on the road and through the hedge opposite. We sprayed his line well and split up with some of us driving round to the other side of the land in case he carried on running through and others staying on the road anticipating the hounds arrival.
Hounds were soon at the wall and we use rating and whips to stop all but 2 on the line before huntsman encouraged them round into the land from another direction. It’s possible that there was another brace as hounds split for a little while, rated off one line and distracted with holloas from the other. At this point they picked up on a scent, but we believe that they ran along the heel line (this means they were on the scent of a fox but in the wrong direction) as they ended up back where the fox had jumped over the wall.
Hunt supporters seemed pretty confused about, well, life in general. And obsessed with sex. We’re used to being falsely accused of spraying hounds with our sprays, but we were shouted at for spraying cars today… Not sure why or what the point would be. A 3C sab almost had her whip grabbed, being shouted at for whipping near the hounds as it is cruel… The man was informed that he should have a word with the hunt then as they specifically employ people called whippers-in to use whips near the hounds. And that if he didn’t understand hunting he probably shouldn’t come out to support it. He didn’t appreciate the sarcasm, nor did another supporter who shouted at the sab ‘don’t use that language, you slut!’ Certain inconsistencies in the point she was trying to make were quickly mentioned.
Terriermen and their friends surprised us today by not acting aggressively (then again, Captain F has given us his number to call if anyone gives us trouble!) They did make various sexual comments to a 3C sab and a number of extremely witty (there’s that sarcasm again) comments regarding her whip. A light jog put one of them off chasing the sab amongst laughter and remarks made by his mates regarding potential heart attacks. He tried to get his own back with a failed attempt to trip her, but at least he was (just about) able to laugh at himself too…
To the landowner who asked the sab ‘when was the last time you had sex?!’ as she explained he was allowing illegal hunting on his land, if that’s the best you can come up with you’ve got issues. At least he didn’t repeatedly say ‘it’s not fair!’ like the other lady who spoke to us. But while you allow the hunt to chase foxes on your land, you can expect us too.
Video and photos to follow as well as a separate report from the Bloodhounds. In the meantime, please support our friends from Welsh Borders Hunt Sabs, Cheshire Hunt Sabs, North Wales Sabs and Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch!