Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch recieved info that the VWH were abound so we scrambled out to help them. We found the hunt at 10 rides in Cirecester Park second horsing at 14.00. They then went down Overley ride and picked up a fox that they then hunted for some hours on a circular route. At one stage a fox was seen to flop down on a track in front of one sab on the Dalingworth ride. Hounds were stopped for some minutes when they came after him with the use of citronella and voice calls (as seen on the video).
The pack was lifted away from sabs by the huntsman and we believe that maybe another fox/maybe the same one crossed into Overley wood where hounds were stopped by CIHW using a gizmo and citronella. Sadly though they were hunting until 18.45 going into the polo grounds and we do not know the final outcome of the fox or foxes concerned.