20th November ’19 – Worcestershire Hunt

*** hunt trespass on Worcs Wildlife Trust land ***

A long day out in the fields, finding more setts which may be targeted in the Worcestershire badger culling zone/s that we anticipate will begin in the next year or so, popping up on the hunt as they trespassed on Worcestershire Wildlife Trust land (they’re allowed to travel up / down the bridleway through Monkwood, but either the hounds were out of control or hunt staff were deliberately hunting, neither of which is a good option, as hounds were speaking and being difficult to gather up) and finding a sett which the hunt had marked to ground in near Hallow. We believe our presence in the area prevented them from digging out even though we weren’t able to locate the sett until later in the day due to being stalked.

We are reviewing our footage (after a bath and some food) of the hunt in Monkwood and the Wildlife Trust were contacted at the time… we will be passing on footage to them soon.

We are getting to know this hunt and their country more, but they’re still relatively new to us as we’ve only been to a few meets of theirs each season for a few years. If you have any information about them, known setts that they block or artificial earths that they use, any dodgy practices they have (we know of some…) or coverts they go to when in certain areas, give us a shout. All information is treated as confidential regardless of who calls us: 07891 639803

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