18th September ’21 – NCH

Due to illness and other things we have not been as active as normal at this busy time of year but slowly getting back to it. Please keep the meets and info on the cull coming in.

Local badger protectors have been able to check at risk setts. One of us did get to the North Cotswold today, albeit somewhat weaker and limited from a nasty bout of pneumonia which meant staying by the car but even this had an impact as they may have dug out a fox but for the sab’s presence, so always worth getting out if you can.

“I attended in the car. Stayed on road opposite Beauchamp Clump. Very misty could only listen but heard holloas, “tally ho back”, “tally ho over” and hounds speaking, etc. so blatant cubhunting. They went South and found them at Jockey Stables. They took hounds away from me and hunt chairman Jamie Smith arrived donning a high viz on his quad. It is a shame he did not also have number plates as he was on a public road! They had found another fox and I heard them mark to ground very near where our car was parked. A short walk in on the footpath confirmed this in that an attempt was made to position horses to stop a clear view, the second whipper in was on foot in the thick undergrowth and that the hounds were slow to leave despite huntsman Ollie Dale trying to get them out. Eventually he got most of the pack and went back to the meet leaving the second whipper in to get the very muddy stragglers. Terrierman Chris Trotman and chums came through onto the road and did not attempt to bolt or dig out the fox. The area is being checked this afternoon by others who are less infirm”.

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