16th February ’22 – Croome and West Warwickshire Hunt joint meet with North Cotswold Hunt

They hunted a fox near the village of Ashton Under Hill. Stalker, Gary Benfield, arrived on a red quad (no numberplates on a road) with a chum and proceeded to dictate that there were no footpaths when a sab was on one! He also drove his quad very close in wet and slippery conditions. The fox was in very thick undergrowth and whilst we do not know the fate of the fox he may have escaped within the gorse. They left as they were being filmed.

First port of call after that was Ashton wood which was being bulldozed (our species truly has waged a war on wildlife) which they went through very quickly. Then Kersoe farm, Fiddler’s Knapp, Long Plantation not really drawing properly.

They then met the 2 sabs who were at the top of Bredon Hill (299 metres high) and went down into Dr’s wood, Foxhill and Comberton wood.

They went through those quickly as well and down into Elmley Castle where a 4th car sab got to as they went to Netherton Fields and Furzehill Brake.

We know this area well and some of us have oft climbed Bredon Hill for fun over the last couple of decades. BUT safe to say we are pretty tired sabs now. Very muddy terrain and a massive gale blowing at the top!

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