New Year message from 3C

As the new year rolls in and we think up new projects for the rest of the season we’d like to send out a huge thank you to all of our supporters who have kept us going with moral support, financial assistance, sett-checking, random pick-ups when we’re miles from the car, sending in hunt meet cards (another arrived today, second in just over a week – game-changer!) and monitoring hunts themselves.

Just today the Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt was discreetly watched by a couple who are visiting the area over New Year and just happened upon the hunt. Locals were out over Christmas at various hunt meets keeping an eye on badger setts and on the hounds themselves.

As well as regular donations, we’ve been sent cameras and walkie-talkies, even a car at the start of the season(!) and our friends have run stalls at fayres to raise money for the group. Because of all the likes and shares of our posts and the giving out of leaflets and other info at stalls and demonstrations our page likes have gone up so quickly! We also have some of our favourite pro-hunt trolls to thank as they comment on nearly all of our posts, often repeating their comments time and time again… but in doing so they’ve made our posts even more popular and we’ve been seen by people who have never liked a post or followed our page before. They also occasionally slip up and give away info.

A special thank you goes to the pro-hunt person who decided to waste their own time signing us up to random (useful) websites, especially as we were the 100th ‘sign-up’ that day to one of them and got a massive discount from the site plus free delivery… and we had to do no work towards it. In addition they decided the best way to annoy us would be to send stupid messages to pro-hunt websites using the enquiry forms on their pages meaning that they’ve also wasted the time of those pro-hunt people as they have to sift through fake messages looking for genuine enquiries. And we get emailed copies of all the silly stuff sent for our own amusement.

Reports to come from the day’s events still, so watch this space. May 2019 bring more successes and more information. Thank you, 3C x

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