21st January ’19 – Ledbury Hunt

*** Ledbury Hunt trespass on to Malvern Hills Trust land * Hunt supporter attempts to alert huntsman to presence of fox running for their life ***

Copied from Fox Hunt off Malvern Hills

‘Fun facts’ of today’s hunting on Castlemorton Common:

– No proper permission as event not registered/applied for with MHT
– No trail was laid, hunt told MHT as no planned ‘trail hunt’ event like other meets
– Sheep farmer with scared, running pregnant ewes on common was not told hunt were coming, by MHT or hunt
– Hounds flush fox out of cover on MHT land and supporter raises arm and waves hat to advertise their where-abouts
– Hunt supporter in Landrover Discovery V283 GCY driving through common aggressively threatens to attack hunt monitor/saboteur if camera points at him – turns out that the plates are copied from his car!

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