Three Counties Wildlife Crime Watch post: 28th February 2016

This man was caught by Hunt Monitors yesterday morning blocking an active badger sett. The Heythrop Hunt (previously convicted of illegal hunting on evidence gathered by the monitors) met nearby just a few hours later. If you know this man or have any information, please contact Three Counties Wildlife Crime Watch, the police or the Independent Hunt Monitors. A video is in the hands of the police at the moment.

The sett concerned is in the Cotswolds and could well be targeted if badger culling is rolled out to the North Cotswolds area or the remainder of Gloucestershire. Badger persecution goes on outside of the culling periods as it always has done, but it surely will affect badger populations and perturbation, so how can the government continue with their culls knowing this information?

Please ‘like’, share and support the Hunt Monitors as they do some fantastic work.

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