Monthly Archives: August 2017

West Gloucestershire licence released

The licence for the old Gloucestershire pilot zone was issued on the 25th August 2017 and runs until 31st January 2022. There is no specific mention of how long culling periods WILL be – caging cannot go on after the start of December and ‘free shooting’ must end by the end of January… we’ll keep you updated as and when we hear more.

The minimum target is 160 and the maximum is 580. So game on. Camp is up and running and it’s business as usual. All zones need help checking for traps and peanuts.

We have just spoken to BBC radio Gloucestershire to be broadcast in the morning.

We expect the North Cotswold zone licence to be issued shortly.

Ongoing sett-surveying

Cages and bait points will be going out in the next few weeks. The more people on the ground, the more badgers we protect. We are out every day in Gloucestershire and can meet up with anyone on most days who want to learn more – we won’t be putting up all our ‘daily reports’ on this site, though main news stories and urgent calls to action will be posted. As for ‘everyday’ sett-checking and so on, please keep up-to-date on our facebook page!

Please also keep an eye on our ‘Events Calendar’ for upcoming sett-surveying / training days, meetings, public events and such like…

… and for more information about sett-surveying and badgers, we will also have a page up with tips and information, so watch this space!

URGENT!! Call to Action (deadline August 2nd)

There is another public consultation coming up and we urgently need people within the affected areas to write in with regards to concerns for safety. Last year we had a shooter, Mason Burgess, take a shot at a badger in a field near to a school’s floodlit pitch with a football match going on on it in Newent.

Over the years there have been numerous breaches of cull licence and guidelines and we’ve had to deal with numerous incidents of unsafe pre-baiting locations and even shots being taken towards footpaths and roads.

Have your say here:

and please share the consultation so others can also do so!