Monthly Archives: June 2017

16th / 17th June – Royal Three Counties Show

We’ve had a couple of really good days at the Royal Three Counties Show in Malvern this weekend, starting with a demo outside on Friday, before going inside the show yesterday.

Between checking out some of the hunt staff and hounds at the hound show (confirming what we had heard about Simon French who was huntsman at the CVFH becoming whipper-in for the Croome and West Warwickshire) and attending a talk by CVFH Master, Ed Burrows, we had some good chats with people at the NFU and CA stands, a Hartpury College lecturer and representatives of other organisations including the Aberdeen Angus society. We also met a lovely woman from the WI who told us about various campaigns they support (protecting honey bees, supporting those with Alzheimer’s, raising awareness about food poverty and so on).
A lot of our information on TB given out and good points raised on all sides, contact details swapped and interesting ideas in the pipeline.

Video of Ed Burrows’ talk will go up soon, so watch this space!


Scientific re-assessment of the cull?

Time for the cull to be assessed again re the science? Time to examine closely how fox hunts may spread BTB?

4th June ’17: sett-surveying

The meeting and sett surveying day in the Forest of Dean went well today. Much of the area is known by locals and setts being monitored here, South Gloucestershire and in the 2 Gloucestershire cull zones.

With sett surveying it is easy to be overawed by the immensity of the task however as with all large tasks it can be reduced to bite size chunks. 10 square miles to cover is a lot but let us say someone can spare 4 hours every 2 weeks and can do say 1 sq mile…within 6 months the job is done, within a year 20 sq miles, within 2 years 40 sq miles, all surveyed by one person.

Please consider helping to survey. Operation sett survey Gloucestershire and Worcestershire is well underway and we are happy to show people what needs doing

How it all began…

This time 4 years ago Reel News started to join us in the cull zones and on the streets to document what we were up to, and what we were facing, in trying to help badgers.

With roll-out continuing to new areas and tactics changing to reflect this, with groups and individuals starting to do more work in their local areas against wider persecution of wildlife, it seems a good time to remember how it all kicked off in 2013 and how much has changed.

Support our continued work if you can!