A number of documents have been linked to throughout the pages of this site, but this page collates many of them together so that they are easier to access. Some of the documents here are not current – i.e. guidelines may have changed, restrictions may have been lifted and so on and some of these relate to specific events (e.g. the extension of the culling period in 2013). Again, this page is a work-in-progress and please contact us if you can think of something we should add or have a link to any good publications.
Publications relating to bTB:
- Is Natural England granting unlawful badger cull licences to farmers with poor biosecurity? (Ecologist article, March 2017)
Official Documents:
- Hair-trapping Methodologies (PDF)
- Info re: population estimates from the CSA (PDF)
- Guidelines for the shooting of badgers (PDF)
- Licence extension application (PDF) – application for an extension to the 6-week cull period in 2013 in Gloucestershire
- DEFRA / Natural England extension letter (PDF) – regarding the extension in Gloucestershire in 2013
- Extension Authorised (PDF) – again, relating to the 2013 cull in Gloucestershire
- ‘Realistic Analysis’ re: kill figures – rel. to extension (PDF) – relating to the above authorised extension in 2013
- This document is from the 2013 cull (PDF) and is the licence granted for the extension. It is included as it contains information on the guidelines for cull operatives
- Setting the Minimum and Maximum numbers for year 2
- Setting the Minimum and Maximum numbers for the 2015 cull in West Glos and West Somerset
- Letter from Natural England re: licence in 2016 (PDF) – with the licence referring to the cull as starting in 2012, not 2013, it had technically run out at the end of the 3rd year in 2015. However the cull was planned to take place over 4 years so the licence was easily extended to cover the 2016 cull
- Opportunity to Comment: Summary of Responses (April 2017)
- Link to 2017 authorisation letters and licences (September 2017)
- Guidance to Natural England (July 2017)