Hit report 8/11/22
We’d planned a visit to the Flint and Denbigh hunt this morning, however they didn’t go out, possibly too upset after their friend David Thomas was sent to prison yesterday? A tip off came in via the wonderful Cheshire Monitors that the Wynnstay hunt were an hour away from us at Pickhill Bridge Farm, in Pickhill.

bet the Wynnstay weren’t expecting us today.

We arrived at the meet at 12.45 to see some of the riders leaving already. Some creepy looking hunt supporters parked up gave it away that we weren’t too far from the hunt, and not long later hounds went into cry in a woodland not far from the meet point the hounds chased the fox across a country lane, through another wooded area over fields and over a main road across a field and into another woodland. Some of the fields riders looked shocked to see us stood their with our cameras as we attempted to call the outs out. This seemed to be too much excited for some as more riders left for home. Bizarrely the hunt then moved their horseboxes from Pickhill Bridge Farm, only to take them back there later to pack up? Why? We don’t know, maybe the landowners the Owens are aware they can be prosecuted under section 3 of the hunting act for allowing this illegal hunt on their land.

Did we catch ya on our drone?

We’d lost the huntsman and hounds now but once again the sad act supporters gave them away. They were at Bowling Park looking across fields, we decided to put the drone up and what a great idea that was. We located the hunt just before they picked up on a fox, as the hounds appeared to pick up on the scent one of the riders saw our drone and informed the whipper-in who started cracking his whip to stop the hounds in their tracks!
By now near the entrance to Old Lower Hall we’d been joined by more hunt supporters and these were aggressive. The supporters covered their faces before getting out the vehicle to threaten us. Police were called and did turn up…. but only after the hunt had packed up… The aggressive supporters had driven off when we called the police and the hunt were heading straight for us along with their terrier men. As we followed the aggressive supporters had waited up the road for us and drove out in front of us to block the road. When they finally turned off the terrier men made an attempt to block the roads but failed. The huntsman then cast his hounds again and rode off in the opposite direction leaving his hounds to it. But at 3.30pm the skies opened and they all headed back to Pickhill Bridge Farm where the horseboxes had magically reappeared.

Wynnstay hunts hard men.

Thanks for all your kind donations, you keep us out and about stopping these barbarians.
We’ll stick our donations link in the comments section below.

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