Statement by the Critical Observatory Activist Network on the popular rebellions in the Arab world

Versión en inglés de la declaración del Observatorio Crítico.

For weeks we have been witness to popular rebellions in countries of North Africa and the Middle East as they have simultaneously demanded political freedom, social justice, economic development, popular and national sovereignty, and integral democracy.

They have exposed authoritarian caudillos (old pals of the globalized North or old anti-imperialists) and they have confronted them demanding universal rights and institutions that are open to participation – without turning to false solutions of religious fundamentalism or pacts between elites.

In Egypt and Tunisia the citizenry remain on a war footing in the face of the new military and bourgeois “transitional” governments since popular demands are not satisfied with simple changes in political regimes. Moreover, these same masses of people are tackling key social questions such as control over the means of production and life. Continue reading