1st March ’19 – Ledbury Hunt

Friday 1st March 2019
Ledbury Hunt
Stonebow Farm

They came out of the back of the farm and up Barrow Hill drawing some rough patch first. One whipper in was making lots of noise making sure that a fox did not break covert near the sab’ filming. The fox headed north with the hounds in full cry after him. 5 minutes later he was seen coming back to where they had found him.

With no hounds in sight his line was sprayed generously with citronella until 2-3 minutes later the pack was heard bang on his line… until they were rated and got to where the citronella was sprayed where they stopped, befuddled.

Mark, the huntsman, was on the other side of the fence and seemingly allowing hounds to cast themselves at this check. A few voice calls lifted their heads and so he gathered them and took them away back to where the fox was heading. Down the hill. Back again. Re-drew where he first found the fox. But to no avail.

After this disappointment they went to Corse Hill, Corse Grove, over to Tirley and Haw Bridge (again they were only there last week!) and through the water meadows at Ashleworth finishing at 5pm.

No badger setts that were checked found to be blocked :) Between our sett-blocking patrols and police having stern words with hunts and landowners we’ve had a huge impact on the hunts!

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