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October 2019

We loved the London Critical Mass ride. It’s definitely one for every cyclists calendar!

We left from Waterloo and went around the city, smooth and swift along many streets of London. Including rolling [next to] Buckingham Palace, and the Tower of London

If you want a better report, posts yours to londoncriticalmass@riseup.net or to the list http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/cm-london

September 2019

We loved the London Critical Mass ride. It’s definitely one for every cyclists calendar!

We left from Waterloo and went around the city. The route included Marble Arch

If you want a better report, posts yours to londoncriticalmass@riseup.net or to the list http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/cm-london

This and what comes next is taken from  some closed network that spies on every one, whether we belong to it or not, and is only accessible by selling your soul and friends:

Exact words of a witness to the mass: “Some stupid f#&king cycle protest”

HappyCyclists: don’t be a dick because it reflects badly on all of us.

Also: don’t treat this downtrodden individual working man badly just because white van men regularly hate and KSI cyclists.…

August 2019

We loved the London Critical Mass ride. It’s definitely one for every cyclists calendar!

We left from Waterloo and went around the city. It was great!

This was taken from some closed network that spies on every one, whether we belong to it or not, and is only accessible by selling your soul and friends:

Really pleasant drama – free end of summer Mass tonight. Lovely atmosphere.

Answer: Plenty of drama after the park!

July 2019

We loved the London Critical Mass ride. It’s definitely one for every cyclists calendar!

We left from Waterloo and went around the city. It was great!

If you want a better report, posts yours to londoncriticalmass@riseup.net or to the list http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/cm-london

Critical Mass London June 2019

Report from the list:

The June mass started at about 1930, around the Imax, up to the Strand Tunnel, from Holborn to Oxford Street and a turn up Tottenham Court road, to proceed up to Camden to go down the next road to emerge beneath St Pancras to go east up Pentonville Road before heading south to Mount Pleasant, then back to Fleet Street, to go through the centre, Picadilly, etc., back down to Trafalgar Square then back East along the embankment, over the river at Blackfriars down to Tower Bridge. 5 minute wait while a DIESEL boat passed beneath. Then east a little on the cycle lane, looping back to go west along the embankment, turning up to trafalgar square again and finally to Buckingham Palace.

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Critical Mass London April 2019

25th anniversary. Report from the riseup list A big thank you to all those reporting and also to riseup.

The birthday ride was pretty damn good – happy participants brandishing their anniversary t-shirts which were provided in copious quantities

Took a while for us to leave, maybe 7.30 but that is becoming increasingly the norm

From memory the route went pretty directly round the sites of the recently evacuated XR protests. So straight to parliament sq then via buckingham palace (where for once we didn’t stop!!!) to marble arch (along park lane rather than through the park!!!)

Good vibes, good pace, good numbers.

Then for some reason a police car decided to panic & challenge some of the mass at oxford circus. This was no real hindrance to our progress, they were just afraid that we were XR & suddenly on their watch had reoccupied oxford circus :D Anyway, a number of the younger more aggressive massers got a bit confrontational leading to escalation. However, it was just noise & poor behaviour but the upshot was the mass getting split. Despite the best attempts of some of the more screwed on heads ensuring the roads heading e-w down regent st., piccadilly circus, etc. were corked the front just charged full speed down to trafalgar square. We lost numbers there.

Don’t think the mass has ever developed a solution for dealing with people at the front who just want to ride fast, will happily filter through traffic & seem unwilling to cork.

But onwards towards the city along the river, think we crossed at blackfriars bridge down to st.george circus then tooley st. to the scoop. Most disbanded there although a few headed back west to waterloo.

With regard the fedbook – nothing of any interest there, mainly just reports of stolen bikes & adverts for bikes for sale. Occasionally there is some discussion over whether a certain bike for sale is in fact stolen.

The chat, when it does relate to CM has a general tone of “I don’t go because mass isn’t good any more too many wheelie kids robbing & starting fights” this sentiment is generally met with accusations of prejudice and/or vulgarity. There is a constant “joke” about tickets – anyone posting a question about mass will get countless replies advising them to get a ticket & those replies will get replies further concerning tickets e.g.: Last Friday an Admin posted “Gently reminder: TODAY IS NOT THE LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH” User -“Where do we get tickets for tonights ride?” Admin “online” User 2 -“When is the last Friday of the month this month? Is it next Friday?” 🤨 Admin “link” posts a ‘let me google that for you’ link User 3 -“No it’s the week after, the 38th” User 2 -“Is that a Friday?” User 3 -“Always” User 4 -“thanks for the confirmation!”

(note from web editor:) No, you do not need any ticket to attend Critical Mass. Just a bike or similar vehicle with wheels that moves only thanks to your energy.

Critical Mass London March 2019

Reports from www.glympse.com/!criticalmasslondon A big thank you to all those reporting using glympse

We left from Waterloo and headed towards Trafalgar Square, but before that, a group of us were chatting as we rode, we were jumped by a group of people, police intervened and were lost from the mass.

Then Tate Modern.

If you want a better report, posts yours here! (You can press the comment button and type it)

Critical Mass London January 2019

The january mass was considerably better than the one last month. It left about 7:30 and headed West to cross at Westminster Bridge. Then it followed birdcage on the South of St James Park round the palace (without stopping) to Hyde Park, where it headed north to Speakers Corner, then East on Oxford St all the way through Clerkenwell, then South into the City where it disbanded at St Paul’s.

Two loud systems remaining throughout. Good corking, despite the youthful vanguard who seem to prefer filtering through traffic on one wheel.

Critical Mass London December 2018

The December mass met and left about 7:10. It then proceeded directly to Primrose Hill, it then waited forever, then it went back to the river and dispersed. It wasn’t a bad turnout but uneventful.

If you want to complement this report, posts yours here! (just press the comment button and type it)