All posts by kinkinella

“EXOglands radical dynamics: fluid, tissues & bloody self-aware enhancement bionicLAB

biopunk – radical SelFpower – Analisis of fluids – citology – DIY equipment  
situated tools, microscopic maps, body fluids dinamics.
This week another pechblenda tentacle was born as part of  Softcontrol open call.  So excited!

taking back the TECH!!

I propose to make an hybrid body mapping of these forbidden or colonized places using different resources and crossdisiplinary methods as alternative medicine, DIY biolab techniches, DIT science and sociological research, grassroots communities empowerment, sexual health focus, body listening, audiovisual technologies, microscopic and inverse engineering.
  • Increase self-anatomical knowledge trough pleasure & biomedical research
  • Generate accesible tools and technics to enhance sexual health knowledge and practices
  • Generate spaces of visibilities and debate about disident sexualities &health rights of sexworkers
  • Grassroot empowerment against sexual violence, medical institutions’ discrimination and stigmatization, and bioselfdefense (HIV tests, pregnancy tests, anticonceptive techniques, menstrual extraction, hormones and alternative pregnancy interruption information)
  • Creation of  tools for a basic and functional mobile biolab of diagnosis and check depending of communities needs.

Short description of the project:

Extreme own-body cognition, Anarchagland (female eyaculation) & male prostate, decolonial anatomy of pleasure. Unveil taboos with DIY biolab techniques, DIT science & medical hacks reverse engineering. A transdisplinary collaboration based on health issues of colectives who have been marginalized by the desensitized treatment of anything deemed promiscuous & contentious. Grassroots sexual politics empowerment.


[10 MARZO]
Training: Including gender, new approaches to privacy and digital security (World Social Forum 2015)

This form is to register to the 10 hours training “Including gender, new approaches to privacy and digital security” organised by Tactical Tech in partnership with RITIMO

only 30 places for this training. You can submit your application until Tuesday 10th of March. Selected participants will be informed around the 15th of March.

>> INFO <<


[14 MARZO]
“AGUAS TURBULENTAS – Agua, Paz y Guerra” – Convocatoria para contribuciones

Water-wheel, invita a artistas, científicos, activistas, maestros y jóvenes para contribuir a una exposición virtual can postales digitales, poemas o textos sobre el tema de “AGUAS TURBULENTAS – Agua, Paz y guerra”. Fecha límite: 14 de marzo de 2015.


[20 MARZO]
Summer Science Exhibition 2015: Art/Science call for proposals

As part of our Summer Science Exhibition, we are opening a call for proposals for an art/science exhibit around the theme of ‘Light’.

We are now accepting proposals from all practicing artists who have work that fits the theme ‘Light’. Deadline for submissions is 20 March 2015.

For details, see the full call for proposals.


[31 MARZO]
Digital Queers 2015 Call for Papers

Digital Queers is a conference at The New School, in collaboration with Goldsmiths and OCR, that will focus on issues related to social justice for the gay community at large.

Deadline: March 31, 2015.

>> INFO <<


Five-O – código de acción directa!

Estas chicas tan alegres y jovenzuelas se llaman Ima, Asha, Caleb  Christian, y con 16, 15, 14 y 10 años respectivamente, programaron el 2014 una aplicación móvil para grabar y archivar datos de cada encuentro con la policia. En sus palabras:

Hemos estado oyendo las instancias negativas en las noticias, por ejemplo, el más reciente de Michael Brown, y siempre hablamos de estos temas con nuestros padres”

“Ellos siempre tratan de reforzar que debemos centrarnos en las soluciones. Es importante hablar de los problemas, pero luego hemos de centrarnos en la búsqueda de soluciones. Eso nos hizo pensar ¿por qué no creamos una aplicación para ayudar a resolver este problema“. DIVINAS

 Esos informes de incidentes pueden ser compartidos y utilizados por la comunidad para evaluar los oficiales individuales y los departamentos de policía en su conjunto. Además del sistema de calificación de la policía, la aplicación incluye una sección de “conozca sus derechos”, con información de la American Civil Liberties Union.

Que gustazo de hackerillas, alegres, resolutivas y cañeras. TOMA!

“We are teen co-founders of this mobile application development company in Georgia. We love creating apps and we’ve got 3 awesome apps on the way!! Follow us! Spread the word!  Below, read about our early start in Technology.”


Marie Curie on Curiosity, Wonder, and the Spirit of Adventure in Science

Marie Curie on Curiosity, Wonder, and the Spirit of Adventure in Science


A short manifesto for the vitalizing power of discovery.

“Few persons contributed more to the general welfare of mankind and to the advancement of science than the modest, self-effacing woman whom the world knew as Mme. Curie.” So read the obituary for Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to date to win a Nobel in two different sciences, published the day after her death in 1934. Three years later, her younger daughter, Eve Curie Labouisse, captured her mother’s spirit and enduring legacy in Madame Curie: A Biography (public library).