El objetivo es re-visitar, re-pensar, co-diseñar y desarrollar procesos, herramientas y tecnologías de exploración biológica, desde una perspectiva feminista y poniendo el foco en la diagnosis low cost para la autogestión de la salud. Proponemos algunas temáticas en tres ejes: – herramientas y técnicas (p.ej.: ultrasonido, electroestimulación, repensar la materialidad del speculum, test lowcost, laboratorio movil HPV, anticoncepción masculina, etc) – software & bases de datos (p.ej.: apps de diagnosis &/O laboratorio, seguridad digital para activistas proaborto, mapeos protocolos médicos relacionados con la prostata, incontinencia, etc) – narrativas performativas (p.ej.:decolonización histórica de las herramientas y procedimientos medicos, experiencias sobre diagnosis y prevención, técnicas de autodefensa frente a la violencia obstétrica y ginecológica, vasectomia, etc). Aqui toda la info >> https://hangar.org/es/news/convocatoria-per-a-tres-residencies-en-el-colaboratori-prototyp_ome/
Tag Archives: call
The second Bio-fiction Science Art Film Festival will take place from 23 – 25 October, 2014. The Venue will again be the Museum of Natural History in Vienna, Austria.
Send us your SHORT FILM about synthetic biology before the final deadline: August 31, 2014.
Bio-fiction explores the emerging field of synthetic biology from different disciplinary angles including science and engineering, social science, cultural studies, amateur biology, film makers, artists and designers. We will have presentations, panel discussions, do-it-yourself biology demos, performances, art work and of course film screenings. It features short films on any aspect of synthetic biology, including documentary films, animation, (science) fiction etc.
The first festival was held in Vienna, Austria, in 2011, when it received 130 short films from 26 countries, of which a jury selected 52 films, and awarding 5 films with major awards.
Bio-fiction 2014 is produced by Vienna based
CALL4NODES >> THF! Convocatoria TransHackfeminista!
A todos los hilos que tejen redes insurrectas… aupa!
Desde Calafou junto a /etc (eclectic tech carnival) abrimos una convocatoria a todos los colectivos y organismos transfeministas, tullidxs, queer, trans, marikas, bollos, putxs, hackers, genderhackers, mutantes. Llega la inserrucción transHACKfeminista!
4 -11 Agosto // 4-11 August
TransHackfeminista! (THF!), jornadas de colaboración organizativa, un encuentro transfeminista, queer, trans,
gente de todos los géneros interesadxs en entender mejor, usar y desarrollar tecnologías libres para disentir socialmente, como alternativa a la corporativización de las tecnologías y el mundo digital.
Entendemos las tecnologías en su sentido más amplio incluyendo sistemas de computación, redes (distribuidas), “piratas”, comunidad y/o radio & independiente; tv, guerrilla de punto, looming, hardware hacking así como gender hacking.
TEMAS: Servidor antipatriarcal autónomo & Biolab ginecológico colaborativo (DIT) Do it togheter
disrupción transHACKfeminista!
Exceptionally Hard & Soft Meeting #2
Exceptionally Hard & Soft Meeting #2
pushing the frontiers of open source and DIY
DESY Hamburg site, June 27-29 2014.
Collaboration between open source and research communities empowers open hardware to explore new grounds and hopefully deliver on the “third industrial revolution”. The first edition of the Exceptionally Hard and Soft Meeting featured lectures delivered by international makers, hackers, scientists and engineers on topics such as nuclear fusion, chip design, vacuum equipment machining, and applied quantum physics. Tutorials gave a welcoming hands-on introduction to people of all levels, including kids.