Category Archives: General

“Post-apocalyptic Water Design”

Hackteria/Präsentation: Postapocalyptic Water Design
Marc BöhlenMonday, 18.8., 8pm
Artist Marc Böhlen will present recent projects in experimental resource management that combine technical and urban interventions. In particular the care of recreational and essential water resources will be addressed through a discussion of WaterBar, a system that creates mineralized water in response to bad water news and WaterBank, a water analysis and fresh water distribution system designed for the Terban district of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The presentation is part of a series on the topic of Bioart organized by Hackteria Society and Corner College.- Zürich



The second Bio-fiction Science Art Film Festival will take place from 23 – 25 October, 2014. The Venue will again be the Museum of Natural History in Vienna, Austria.

Send us your SHORT FILM about synthetic biology before the final deadline: August 31, 2014.

Bio-fiction explores the emerging field of synthetic biology from different disciplinary angles including science and engineering, social science, cultural studies, amateur biology, film makers, artists and designers. We will have presentations, panel discussions, do-it-yourself biology demos, performances, art work and of course film screenings. It features short films on any aspect of synthetic biology, including documentary films, animation, (science) fiction etc.

The first festival was held in Vienna, Austria, in 2011, when it received 130 short films from 26 countries, of which a jury selected 52 films, and awarding 5 films with major awards.

Bio-fiction 2014 is produced by Vienna based

Spreading Fluids in




In context [1] presentation related to Calafou enviromental pluvial landscapes.

DIY Fluids Narratives & hACktions River ANALysys hardware Prototypes & Polluted Industrial Environment Dialectics

keywods: poluted river, diy rescue technics, bioremediation, hardwaehacks, heavy metal pollution, catalunya industrial contamination, liquid hardware-data-analysis, estrogens, vitelogenina, Alquilfenoles (APE), lead, nitrates, intersex fishes.

‘Water’s is substance through whose movements we can trace histories of colonialism, underdevelopment and the flow of capital. Water might be understood as a materialization of structures of social power. Water sustains life and also sustain communities. Our Waterscapes are full of traces of industrial past and present, fluid scars of the brutality of industrialization fever, neo-liberal appropriation of resources and criminal multinational neoextaccionism minery. Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

This letal Hydropolitic is based on water access and control, that don’t let us another option that depend in privatized “clean” water. This presentation will review the paradigms of hydrological conditions and water management practices In the context o catalunya rivers in where the XIX century rise of industrial colonies take place, the toxic waste trough in their flows have transformed in poison magma streams, affecting the environmental health. Our own Styx & Acheron fluvial nightmare.

The Anoia river is one of this death rivers, more than 100 years of continuous pollution from textile, leather an paper industries between others, have shape an environment that has reach the point of mutate the fishes that still survive to intersex creatures, consequence of high levels of estrogens and other hormones, so their are unable to reproduce anymore. And this is only one example. So, how can this be reversed? is possible anyway? The first step before start to experiment bio-remediation technichs will be getting the right tools of accurate analysis and monitoring. WE have to be able to create tools that do not need to depend on private and expensive laboratorie analysis reports, cause they are also polluters. I will share some past experiences:YogjaLausanne about river data analysis, unfortunately this hacking experiences are always situated experiences in other rivers, with different conditions, pollution, geographical flows and community symbiosis. The aim will be to share knowledge about DIY hardware like CheapStat and get a golden rain of ideas focus in Anoia context, and mapping the maximum of possibilities like density, light spectrum, flow, magnetism, bacteria hacking, etc, etc.


[2] [AnarchaGland] Anarcha, Lucy & Betsey: Anarchagland is a autonomous-research project about the history of gynecology, and an active and radical proposal to re-write it. Body-hack / GlamSPELL

Interference is a gathering of people, perspectives, theories, and actions that share a critical approach to society and technology. It will take place at the Binnenpret in Amsterdam, NL from 15th to the 17th of August 2014. It will be a space where we can meet, debate, share, learn, and find our affinities and oppositions. The event comes as a response to the lack of a common ground for confrontation and discussion over themes like hacking, technology, art and politics that could break out of the existing containers and roles for such concepts and practices.

Horarios por confirmar!

PEchblEndA soONaR….!!!

© Corbin Smith

Y PECHBLENDA se inocula inesperadamente en SONAR2014!!!

Y tantas ganas que teníamos mientras frikeabamos y improvisabamos 24/7 dentro del Lab, hiciese frío, viento, lluvia o un calor de infiernos!

Tardes, madrugadas, noches y emparradas montando synthes con arduino o sin él, rompiéndonos el coco pa nuevas invenciones, pa luego pasarnos horas follando con los circuitos y corriéndonos con el noise!

Pues, Si, PECHBLENDA pal SONAR, PERO….  >>>>> NO COMO HABÍAMOS DESEADO!!!!  <<<<<<   :0!!

En vez de ser invitadas para rebentarles los SPEAKERS, nos invitaron a un panel de…….. MUJERES HACKER.

Ni siquiera saben quien somos, que hacemos ni para que carajo nos invitaron!
Pues pa boikotearles el parloteo! Jajaja


1. no nos gustan las categorizaciones y encasillaciones. Para Sonar no somos ni Mujeres ni Hackers!  WE ARE CYBORGS. Nuestra base está asentada dentro del trans(hack)feminismo, en el cual no se entienden los binomios, <blanco, negro>, <hombre, mujer>, <bonito, feo>;  THE ONLY BINARIES HERE ARE IN THE CODE!


2. ¿por que siempre las “mujeres” son las que deben sentarse y hablar de cuestiones de genero? ¿Por que el genero femenino (o lo considerado como femenino, o mejor dicho, el género con coño) tiene que seccionarse, sectorizarse, segregarse, separarse del grupo principal, cual bicho raro o caso extraviado, y cuestionarse el género dentro del mundo hacker???? PORQUE A MI????

……..Yo solo quiero/queria por lo menos,  cacharreo, dispositivos, hardware hacking y talleres de syntetizadores!

Pero no, UNA VEZ MÁS mi coño y mis tetas, mis cromosomas, mi regla, mis apariencias, lo que ELLOS ven de mi, mi pelo, mi ropa, ENFIN, LA CATEGORIZACIÓN COMO MUJER POR PARTE DE LA ENTIDAD MÉDICA Y MORAL NAMÁS SALIR DEL COÑO DE MI MADRE, me llevan a una jodida charla para reflexionar sobre Género y hackeo.

3. Y probablemente os preguntareis.. ¿y cual es la ofensiva transhackfeminista esta vez?????   La ofensiva será iniciar toda una discusión en base a cómo los “HACKERS” (HOMBRES evidentemente.. ya que sinó estarian dentro de nuestro panel) viven, se plantean y cuestionan el GÉNERO.

en definitiva, un panel de Género y Hackers. Trabajemos, discutamos y cuestionemos la masculinidad dentro de los hackerspaces!!

Nosotras no necesitamos/queremos volver a sentarnos a discutir, cuestionarnos y visualizar las injusticias y represiones que vive aquello reconocido como femenino. Y menos entre nosotras mismas!!! Así que nuestro plan es que SONAR vaya un poco más allá en planteaminentos y eventos, y que para el año que viene presente un panel de discusion sobre género y tecnología entre hackers de todas las tallas, formas, tipos y tamaños.

4. porque no somos una especie en peligro de extinción! no queremos ser categorizadas por nuestro género! como seres exclusivos, escasos, especiales o monitos de feria tomando como referencia el género que se nos ha adjudicado.   porque si debe ser así, que sea por Transfeministas, i no por tener coño!.

5. ni paneles de enanos hacker ni de negrxs hacker!

6. porque somos putxs, trans, maricas, boyeras, dark, bichxs, tullidxs, monstruxs!