Tag Archives: taller

Anarcha, Lucy & Betsey

Y durante la jornadas de Autogestión de la Salud, Villanova i la Geltru de el Domingo tendreis la oportunidad de asistir AnarchaGland & Gynepunk. Viatge audiovisual a traves de l’història de la ginecologia i anatomia, memoria corporal i una proposta radical de descolonització.

+ Gynepunk “Open science fricction TestLab” Visionado de nuestros cervix usando espéculum y realización test de vinagre. Taller no mixto.


+ info aquí http://autogestiosalutvng.rebus.cat/


[Indopech] – SeXology >> Dildomancy

con el DELAY de rigor =P.

Colaboración del maravilloso cultivo germinado en HLAB2014pechblenda + cindy + fred + tamara + timbil somethimes.


DILDOMACY!! micro-organismos // macro-pleasure

1.- Dildomancy was a workshop of making your own microrganism dildos for macropleasure!

we will make DIY Sex Toys and learn how to make them and which materials to use. Because in Jogja there are no sex shops, and because it is fun to have fun with ourselfs!

we will maybe add some circuitry so that the dildo has some microrganism movements!!!

2.- DIY Lubricant Workshop

3.- Aroma Therapy  indonesian traditional “Smoking between the legs” that will clean us everywhere.

It’s was a whole day sexology workshop to share what we are not used or not feel comfortable to share. to do w/e we feel like, to party, to not have gender prejudices, priorities or privileges.


and.. the exhibition



and…dildomancy its extending tissues… long tentacles right now. singapur its sending signals, our bodies are streching geographies trought exocrine technologies. soon more, or not.