Season to be cheerful

Cor blimey, if Chris Grunter was anywhere near as good as Network 23 at defending we’d be in the Premiership now.

I’ve been trying to give you my expert view but I think Network 23 must be run by Brentford fans.

Anyway they couldn’t stop me passing on my expert tips to Clarkson, nor could they stop that battering we gave the Rams.

And now QPR are going down that’ll be the end of them. Hurr hurr.

As for the proper hoops, now it’s time to have a calm look back at the season and carefully think about the way forward in a responsible and thoughtful manner.


The fat lump of a Russian didn’t listen to me at Wembley when I was shouting to pass to Jamie Mackay, Yabuku was apparently too fat and useless to travel to Derby and Morewood…well. Once he can get a corner over the head of the first defender I’d consider him for the reserves.

Other than that they need to get rid of Alan Federici and let Michael Anderson have a go.

Then get rid of Gordon Obita, since he peaked about two years ago.

Alec Pearce is a big yob with a big gob and Michael Hector might be good one day but not yet.

Get rid of them and we’ll be on the up. Mrs Satsuma must have finished painting her house in Windsor by now so it’s about time she saved up a few quid to buy some new players.

Majeski’s off the rich list so it’s time he got a proper job. All he does is ponce about the place so I suggest he gets one of those Domino’s Pizza boards and advertises them £6.99 pizzas.

Right that’s making me hungry.

Have a good close season ladies and gents and you can look forward to my expertise next season. In the meantime support the boys and try not to be too judgmental.




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