Tag: Social movements

Why revolt in Turkey?

The spirit of this century seems to be one of mass struggles and highly confrontational demonstrations. Every morning, we wake up to hear about a huge protest in some distant part of the planet. It turns more and more difficult to follow what is going on here and there. But why are all these people …

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European Elections in Portugal: A Failure for Bourgeois Representative Democracy – João Carreiras

  How do you see the results in Europe, in general? The election results are, in general, worrisome. Far-right and nationalist parties won in several countries (Denmark, France, England, Austria), and increased their presence in the European Parliament (EP). Another striking feature of these elections (which also happened in 2009) is the abstention rate, which …

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European Elections in France: Building a Strange European Identity – Mathieu Colloghan

Editorial note: Mathieu is a political activist in the international Red and Green Alternative network and also takes part in La Bidule. Below is a short interview we made with him right after the Elections to the European Parliament. “…we are building a European identity by achieving, in common, the worst electoral results” How do you see …

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