Category Archives: General

pEcHblendE in Pinar Yoldas expo &&&

Our laaaaaast but nottttttt least day in blAckHoLe bErliIn…

we finished with our lover Pinar Yoldas expoooo (who we dont knowww yet buttt reaally looking forward!!!)

20140220_144757 20140220_144920

[[[there are mooore pic but can uploadd them yettttt…. :SS]]]

we just noticed that the expo in Aksioma is muchhhh better with dark room and black walls. however, there was some focused guide that explained its discours. . very interesting discours…..

El Devenir Plastico




[safari] [@berlin] AnalGital Synth Workshop “Building an Analog-Digital Synthesizer ”

Final schedule:
On Monday at 4 pm. 10-02-2014
On Tuesday at 3 pm. 11-02-2014
On Wednesday 4 pm. 12-02-2014

 very important send an email to to confirm when you are coming.
the place for the workshop is Where is Jesus at Wrangelstrasse 57 Berlin.

Analogic synthesizers are fun. But imagine if you could program each synth and made them sound and act as you feel like!
AnalGital synths have a lot of possibilities, adding filters like envelopes, delays, decays and others.
With Analog-digital synthesizers we can mostly do what we want to. Adding some LDR (so sound is controlled by light), some Pressure Sensors or Ribbon sensors.

We will understand electronic basis and electronic basic components. we will also understand what is arduino, how it works and its community around.
We will learn how to program in arduino. And how to build a nice sound and noise arduino synthesizer.

Using Arduino Pro Mini, we will be able to build a Arduino based on granular synthesis.

you can hear here and example about the sounds that this synthesizer can make

Needs for the workshop: if possible bring your electronic hardware tools, your laptop and soldering iron, in case you have an Arduino bring it as well l!
After we will make a jam session together with all the new synthesizers!!

It will be a 6 hours workshop, however we can go further if necessary.
the cost of the workshop is 50€.

Please, send us an email here to confirm if you are coming!!!
but if you cannot confirm, and you want to come in the last minute you can come as well!!!!
please send this information to all your friends!!!

thanks to tinkerit for show us how to build one by ourselves.
Pechblenda is a TranshackFeminist Bio-electro-chemical Laboratory <> established in Calafou <>. We work with free hardware and free software and mess around with electronic circuits, circuit bending, repairing devices, noise concerts, experimentation and development, giving workshops and doing tutorials DIY since 2 years ago. We are involved in many different projects and right now we are experimenting with DIY analog-digital synthesizers, between others. We also work with gender issues, and we understand our bodies as another code to be hacked.
The nucleus of Pechblenda is made of 3 heads, 6 hands, 6 ears and 3 tongues. Pin, Julito & Klau. Each of us have different trajectories but always surrounded by the same ideals.

you can hear some noises from us here:

video to show how the synth work

Pechblenda in Xawara’s box



Performance of Pechblenda at Transmediale.   They did not want to project the performance to everyone because they were saying that there was explicit sex! hahahahahhahaha….. how stupid and vulgar….


Cause we are the after afterglow. And they talk and talk, and even if it looks like they are talking about us, they don’t say our name. but, no problem, radioactivity is seen from under water and even after the afterglow.  ( )

“all this is very confusing, they ask and we are here with the answers, but looks like that they don´t want to see, anyway we need to mix with this figures from the 90… but we don´t want to pay 5 euros to be invisibilized … who is using horizontal and free technologies in this panel, what are you talking about ??? we are patient and happy anyway because our interactions are affecting other rhizomatic contexts in wich we fluid and develop new strategies to interact with the differents organisms and entes around we are an inflexion point that diffract mater in multiples ways ”   written by Pin <<pechblenda>>