Thanks for reading and spreading the word!!

This post is long overdue, but we wanted to say THANKS to all of our readers; your feedback–whether its via email, comments, or simply word of mouth–is greatly appreciated. We couldn’t have undertaken this project without a significant amount of feedback from our readers, and we’re grateful to have made a positive impact on a lot of you (even if its as small as giving you hope that people at ASUPD will be held accountable for their actions!)

If you wish to contact us, feel free to send an email to:    OR    Comment on any of our posts! 

It’s important to note that due to the nature of this site, we can’t see your IP addresses when you comment on this page. Likewise, the IP addresses of the creators is also hidden. We also try to protect those that send us intel via email; we don’t want to jeopardize someones’ career for sending us information, so we go to great lengths to not leave a trail (sometimes this means withholding juicy intel from the site!) Similarly, we try and confirm the validity of the information we receive from an anonymous source so we do not become a glorified gossip site.

Thanks again for reading and keep fighting the good fight!

3 thoughts on “Thanks for reading and spreading the word!!

  1. indeedYOUsay says:

    Thanks for creating a forum for all the ignored, undermined, and minimized voices within the agency. Hopefully more voices and information will be forthcoming.

  2. Justanotherdispensible50 says:

    I wish there was no reason for the blog, but I live in reality. The reality that those in charge of my workplace can’t seem to contend with. Most of my co-workers are great people, but there are assholes in all the wrong places making it an increasingly less favorable to work at. People used to be happy here. Whoever you are thanks for stepping out and laying the ground work for getting the place fixed. Thank you to the other contributors for having the sense to speak up about this issue and do what’s right.

    There are some ass kissing morons in the department who want to put people down for not putting their real names here. They want to intimidate people and make them believe they know all, see all, but that is a farce. Everyone on here chose not to sit on the sidelines and be a voiceless worm under a bully’s boot. Thank you.

  3. Supervisor Facepalm says:

    Since we never talk about anything worthwhile in the inter-campus briefing this Blog, previously the Indeed posts have become the unofficial briefing at every campus now. At least some people have an interest in discussing the department’s issues, the problems, and offering solutions.

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