Monthly Archives: January 2015

Activists want ASU Officer reinstated, sending 2 messages to M. Crow & ASUPD command

Just when the Crow administration and the command over at the ASU Police department thought they had an unbeatable ace in the hole, whoops! We at the Integrity Report and our contributors would like to thank Reverend Jarrett Maupin  for taking a serious look at the Officer Ferrin and Professor Ore incident and coming to a conclusion based on all the facts in this case. The command of ASUPD has assured their bosses at the Fulton Center that they would be able to terminate Officer Ferrin on what they have managed to populate his personnel file with. A file of old concluded business does not hide their true intent to terminate this officer. The command of ASUPD, based on the record of truth, can’t be trusted to run a police department any different than the preceding chief John L. Pickens. The employees familiar with JP wouldn’t trust him run a lemonade stand based on his ethical stance which is more home in Chicago IL or New Orleans LA than Tempe AZ. The fight continues and will continue until change is realized,  until the ASUPD starts to run as a police department based on the standards of AZPOST,  and until it is ran by respectable sworn law enforcement officers who earn respect from their peers. While we love the university and the people we serve, we are extremely displeased with how the university leadership of the Crow Administration have conducted themselves with this case. This case is one small part of a bigger picture involving years of poor leadership and mismanagement at the Arizona State University Police Department. Our indictment of the university leadership is a direct consequence of their refusal to take any affirmative action in fixing the issues at the Arizona State University Police Department. Positive change will have a dramatic change for employees, but it will also have a profound and positive change for those we serve and the quality of service they receive.

The Rev. Jarrett Maupin, other activists sat down for a ‘lemonade summit’

with ASU Officer Stewart Ferrin.

The same civil-rights activists who threatened two weeks ago to march on Arizona State University if a White campus police officer was reinstated after arresting a Black professor, switched course Tuesday and mended their differences at a “lemonade summit.”

Now they want Officer Stewart Ferrin reinstated.

The Rev. Jarrett Maupin of Phoenix and a half-dozen community activists met with Ferrin, who is facing termination after his controversial arrest last year of an ASU assistant English professor.

Maupin also had a private dinner this week with Ferrin and his attorney, Mel McDonald, where the activist said he got to know the 25-year-old officer.

“It would be very sad to put (the family) in any economic harm’s way,” Maupin said. “So we will be calling (today) for the university to place him back on active status.”

PREVIOUSLY: ASU police officer’s leave extended; wife gives birth

RELATED: Arrested ASU professor files $2M claim

Maupin invited African-American women to meet and talk with Ferrin at the meeting at Lo-Lo’s Chicken & Waffles, a landmark Phoenix restaurant.

The activist dubbed the meeting a “lemonade summit” — a nod to when President Barack Obama sat down for a beer summit in 2009 with a Harvard professor and a police sergeant whose controversial arrest of the professor became a national story. Obama initially responded to the arrest by saying police behaved “stupidly.” The president later sought to clear the air by inviting the men for a beer.

This time, the participants shared lemonade because Ferrin doesn’t drink alcohol.

Renee Huff, a Phoenix community advocate who attended, said the officer and the professor he arrested, Ersula Ore, should be able to return to their lives.

“People make mistakes,” she said. “By God, we need to be able to forgive people.”

Ore’s attorney, Danny Ortega Jr., declined to comment about the meeting. Maupin said he did not invite Ore to the summit. ASU officials also declined to comment.

The officer has been on leave since July after he arrested Ore. Ore filed a $2 million legal claim last year against Ferrin and ASU, accusing the officer of excessive force, false arrest and violation of her federal rights to due process.

Ferrin received notice in early January that ASU intends to terminate him, and he has appealed the decision. It’s not clear how soon ASU Police Chief Michael Thompson will make a decision.

Ferrin and his attorney have declined to say what reasons ASU is giving for seeking to fire him. ASU has declined to release the officer’s personnel file. The school cited a state law that prohibits employers from releasing investigative files for law-enforcement officers facing discipline until appeals are concluded.

Ferrin and his attorney could release the information but have declined. Ferrin said he believes the information will be released at some point. But for now, they say they want to maintain the integrity of the process. Ferrin added he has nothing to hide and “there’s nothing embarrassing” in the information.

Ferrin expected a decision about his job last week, but ASU extended his leave, pending a decision by the chief. The next day, Ferrin’s wife gave birth to the couple’s second child.

The May 20 arrest drew national attention after a video of the arrest went viral. Civil-rights activists claimed Ore was targeted for her race.

A dashboard-camera video of the arrest shows Ferrin repeatedly telling Ore to put her hands behind her back. When she refuses, he tells her he will “slam” her on the police car, according to the video. Footage shows the officer tackling her to the ground. A police report says she kicked the officer in the shin.

The police report says the 33-year-old Ore argued with Ferrin after he stopped her for walking in the middle of the street and told her to get on the sidewalk. She refused repeated requests to show identification, the report says.

She told police later she felt like the officer “bullied her” and belabored his point that she shouldn’t be walking in the street. Ore was arrested on charges of aggravated assault on an officer, criminal damage, refusal to provide a truthful name and obstructing a public thoroughfare. She pleaded guilty to one count of resisting arrest and received probation; the other charges were dropped.

McDonald, Ferrin’s attorney, said Maupin initiated this week’s meeting. “Last Friday, I get a call at my office and they said, ‘It’s Reverend Maupin on the phone.’ I said, ‘Someone’s playing a joke,'” McDonald said. “I took the phone and it was Reverend Maupin. … I was very touched by some of the things he had to say.”

Maupin two weeks ago called for Ferrin’s firing. He threatened to march on the campus of the university “and the office of ASU President Michael Crow” if ASU didn’t follow through and fire Ferrin. Maupin said he changed his mind after meeting the officer. “I got to know him as an individual. He was in a very tense and tough situation. I don’t wish that situation on anybody.”

Ferrin said he was grateful to meet with Maupin and tell his side of the story.

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ASU & ASUPD impartiality in the Ferrin VS. Ore case is just one more LIE.


We would like to take a moment to discuss the myth of ASUPD impartiality in this case. Nobody can deny the Officer Ferrin VS. Professor Ore situation is a high profile case where the Arizona State University Police Department features up front and center. Can Chief Mike Thompson explain who is the man, singled out by the arrows, that appears in both of these photos? Is it appropriate for the two top administrators ASUPD chief Mike Thompson and ASUPD assistant Chief Lou Digirolamo (front row left and center) to be socializing with a member of Professor Ore’s defense team/advocacy group before a decision was supposedly made on this case?

Please email them to ask about this issue:  AND

For that matter email the entire Arizona State Police Command, ask them about this issue, check out their bio page qualifications to run a police department:

A writer and retired police officer writing for the Mesa Tribune found out some interesting facts about this case.

We found it particularly interesting is the fact that ASU is practicing the over active redacting game on its FOIA requests for a third recorded time showing not only will it federal law and ethical standards for government transparency, it has no impartiality with the information of these two employees, “When I made a public records request for the personnel files for Ferrin and Ore, I was provided with Ferrin’s 47-page file. Ore’s information was a redacted one-pager that gave me her name and not much more. Why give me everything on one employee and not give me everything on the other employee?”

Reposted here with some key points highlighted:

Arizona State University police officer Stewart Ferrin was supposed to be fired this week. The ASU police chief has placed him back on indefinite administrative leave pending further review.

Ferrin arrested ASU professor Dr. Ersula Ore in May 2014 for traffic and criminal charges, including assaulting a police officer. Ore admitted to kicking Ferrin. Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery brought formal criminal charges against her, and she pleaded guilty to the resisting arrest and was sentenced to nine months supervised probation.

Ferrin’s actions were examined at the time of the incident by the university and ASU police officials and deemed appropriate.

Soon after her arrest Ore and her backers played the “race” and “victim” cards. That took the spotlight off of her crimes and breaking a serious university rule regarding assaulting a fellow employee. Ferrin is white; Ore is black.

Assaulting a fellow employee is a serious offense that can result in termination. Employers can’t have a person with a history of violent and assaultive behavior against a fellow employee without taking on considerable legal liability.

In a matter of weeks Ferrin went from being a cop on the night shift in Tempe’s notorious and dangerous “Loud Party Corridor” to being the white cop who attacked a black professor. The obvious implication was Ferrin is a racist.

Ferrin was suspended. Soon after Ferrin was benched, the university provost, one of ASU’s chief executives, sent an email to ASU employees praising Ore and aiming guilt at Ferrin.

The university administration ordered yet another investigation into Ferrin’s conduct. This time it was conducted by a private investigator chosen by the university administration instead of asking for an outside and independent investigation by another police or prosecutorial agency. The Arizona Department of Public Safety’s Special Investigations Unit normally investigates internal police investigations with a high profile, but ASU chose not to go that route.

Police officers are bound by state statute to conduct an independent, complete and impartial investigation or subject themselves to prosecution and revocation of their peace officer certification; private investigators aren’t. Even with Ore’s guilty plea to criminal conduct, she’s kept her job teaching our kids.

When I made a public records request for the personnel files for Ferrin and Ore, I was provided with Ferrin’s 47-page file. Ore’s information was a redacted one-pager that gave me her name and not much more. Why give me everything on one employee and not give me everything on the other employee?

Ferrin’s file revealed he consistently met standards, satisfactorily completed his probation period and was rewarded for his service.

When faced with a possible felony conviction, Ore made a plea agreement. Ferrin has refused resign under pressure and maintains his innocence.

If ASU eventually decides to fire Ferrin it will leave a permanent scar and a lingering stench on the reputation of Arizona State University and its police department.

• Retired Mesa master police officer Bill Richardson lives in the East Valley and can be reached at

 The Integrity Report on the Arizona State University Police Department would like to remind the staff of ASUPD, particularly the command, about the oath we all swore as certified police officers in the state of Arizona.

 I solemnly swear that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Arizona, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and defend them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of a peace officer to the best of my ability, so help me God.

While We Breathe, Let Justice Be Done
Dum Spiramus Fiat Justitia

 Contrast that with what’s going on now.



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ASUPD Officer Stuart Ferrin. Exonerated by the courts, condemned by new age bigots and the cowards afraid of them.


Links to support Officer Stuart Ferrin are at the bottom of this page.

Coverage of this story through the Arizona Republic Newspaper from

JAN-18-2015- MAY-29-2014

Exclusive: Suspended ASU police officer speaks out

Officer Stewart Ferrin Talks About Controversy

ASU Police Officer’s Family Speaks Out.

Embattled ASU officer vows to keep job.

ASU moves to fire police officer who arrested professor.

ASU officer facing firing gains police community support.

Civil-rights activists back firing ASU police officer.

ASU professor arrested by police files $2M claim.

Was prof’s jaywalking arrest racially motivated?

How important is police compliance, really?

$2 million for jaywalking? Why didn’t I think of that?

ASU professor claims Tempe arrest was a violation.

ASU officer put on leave; FBI to review professor arrest.

ASU professor pleads guilty to resisting arrest in Tempe.

ASU professor sentenced for resisting arrest.

Arrested ASU professor makes court appearance in Mesa.

ASU professor sentenced to 9 months of probation.

Witness describes shock seeing arrest of ASU professor by campus police

Nation reacts to ASU professor’s arrest.

ASU professor’s arrest: Why cops need cameras.

New video of ASU professor getting arrested.

Police: ASU professor assaulted officer, arrested in Tempe.


Support Officer Stuart Ferrin at these links:

If you would like to make contributions to support Officer Stewart Ferrin,

Donate funds securely through PayPal using the friend, family option. Use the email address

Or here.


Contact your elected officials on this issue, maybe they respect court decisions and have a backbone!

Contact the governor:

Contact your Senators to congress:

Contact your Representatives to congress:

Contact the AZ state legislature:

Contact the Arizona Board Of Regents:


Contact the management at Arizona State University about this issue, so they can give you excuses for why they have no backbone!


Office of the President Michael Crow


Phone: 480-965-8972

Fax: 480-965-0865

Mail: P.O. Box 877705, Tempe AZ 85267-7705


Twitter: @michaelcrow & @asupresoffice




Arizona State University Police Department

Chief Michael Thompson


Administrative Asst Phone: 480.965.0771

Administartion Fax: 480.965.2111

Mail: P.O. Box 871812, Tempe, AZ 85287-1812


Twitter: @ASUPDchief & @ASUPolice





The State Press (ASU School Newspaper)

Executive Editor: Danielle Grobmeier

Editor-in-Chief: Julia Shumway

Managing Editor: Catherine Calderon

Phone: 480-965-2292

Mail: 950 S Cady Mall, Tempe, Arizona 85287Office of the President Michael Crow Email: Phone: 480-965-8972 Fax: 480-965-0865 Mail: P.O. Box 877705, Tempe AZ 85267-7705

Twitter: @michaelcrow & @asupresoffice Facebook: Web:

Arizona State University Police Department Chief Michael Thompson Email: Administrative Asst Phone: 480.965.0771 Administartion Fax: 480.965.2111 Mail: P.O. Box 871812, Tempe, AZ 85287-1812

Twitter: @ASUPDchief & @ASUPolice Facebook:


The State Press Executive Editor: Danielle Grobmeier Editor-in-Chief: Julia Shumway Managing Editor: Catherine Calderon Phone: 480-965-2292 Mail: 950 S Cady Mall, Tempe, Arizona 85287

Office of the President Michael Crow Email: Phone: 480-965-8972 Fax: 480-965-0865 Mail: P.O. Box 877705, Tempe AZ 85267-7705

Twitter: @michaelcrow & @asupresoffice Facebook: Web:

Office of the President Michael Crow Email: Phone: 480-965-8972 Fax: 480-965-0865 Mail: P.O. Box 877705, Tempe AZ 85267-7705

Twitter: @michaelcrow & @asupresoffice Facebook: Web:

Office of the President Michael Crow Email: Phone: 480-965-8972 Fax: 480-965-0865 Mail: P.O. Box 877705, Tempe AZ 85267-7705

Twitter: @michaelcrow & @asupresoffice Facebook: Web:

Arizona State University Police Department Chief Michael Thompson Email: Administrative Asst Phone: 480.965.0771 Administartion Fax: 480.965.2111 Mail: P.O. Box 871812, Tempe, AZ 85287-1812

Twitter: @ASUPDchief & @ASUPolice Facebook:


The State Press Executive Editor: Danielle Grobmeier Editor-in-Chief: Julia Shumway Managing Editor: Catherine Calderon Phone: 480-965-2292 Mail: 950 S Cady Mall, Tempe, Arizona 85287

Twitter: @statepress Facebook:


Arizona State University Alumni Association President Christine Wilkinson (Senior Vice President and Secretary of the University) Email & Phone: 1-800-258-6687 Mail: PO Box 873702, Tempe, AZ 85287

Twitter: @ASU_Alumni Facebook:


Office of the President Michael Crow Email: Phone: 480-965-8972 Fax: 480-965-0865 Mail: P.O. Box 877705, Tempe AZ 85267-7705

Twitter: @michaelcrow & @asupresoffice Facebook: Web:

Arizona State University Police Department Chief Michael Thompson Email: Administrative Asst Phone: 480.965.0771 Administartion Fax: 480.965.2111 Mail: P.O. Box 871812, Tempe, AZ 85287-1812

Twitter: @ASUPDchief & @ASUPolice Facebook:


The State Press Executive Editor: Danielle Grobmeier Editor-in-Chief: Julia Shumway Managing Editor: Catherine Calderon Phone: 480-965-2292 Mail: 950 S Cady Mall, Tempe, Arizona 85287

Twitter: @statepress Facebook:


Arizona State University Alumni Association President Christine Wilkinson (Senior Vice President and Secretary of the University) Email & Phone: 1-800-258-6687 Mail: PO Box 873702, Tempe, AZ 85287

Twitter: @ASU_Alumni Facebook:


Office of the President Michael Crow Email: Phone: 480-965-8972 Fax: 480-965-0865 Mail: P.O. Box 877705, Tempe AZ 85267-7705

Twitter: @michaelcrow & @asupresoffice Facebook: Web:

Arizona State University Police Department Chief Michael Thompson Email: Administrative Asst Phone: 480.965.0771 Administartion Fax: 480.965.2111 Mail: P.O. Box 871812, Tempe, AZ 85287-1812

Twitter: @ASUPDchief & @ASUPolice Facebook:


The State Press Executive Editor: Danielle Grobmeier Editor-in-Chief: Julia Shumway Managing Editor: Catherine Calderon Phone: 480-965-2292 Mail: 950 S Cady Mall, Tempe, Arizona 85287

Twitter: @statepress Facebook:


Arizona State University Alumni Association President Christine Wilkinson (Senior Vice President and Secretary of the University) Email & Phone: 1-800-258-6687 Mail: PO Box 873702, Tempe, AZ 85287

Twitter: @ASU_Alumni Facebook:


Office of the President Michael Crow Email: Phone: 480-965-8972 Fax: 480-965-0865 Mail: P.O. Box 877705, Tempe AZ 85267-7705

Twitter: @michaelcrow & @asupresoffice Facebook: Web:

Arizona State University Police Department Chief Michael Thompson Email: Administrative Asst Phone: 480.965.0771 Administartion Fax: 480.965.2111 Mail: P.O. Box 871812, Tempe, AZ 85287-1812

Twitter: @ASUPDchief & @ASUPolice Facebook:


The State Press Executive Editor: Danielle Grobmeier Editor-in-Chief: Julia Shumway Managing Editor: Catherine Calderon Phone: 480-965-2292 Mail: 950 S Cady Mall, Tempe, Arizona 85287

Twitter: @statepress Facebook:


Arizona State University Alumni Association President Christine Wilkinson (Senior Vice President and Secretary of the University) Email & Phone: 1-800-258-6687 Mail: PO Box 873702, Tempe, AZ 85287

Twitter: @ASU_Alumni Facebook:



Twitter: @statepress





Arizona State University Alumni Association

President Christine Wilkinson (Senior Vice President and Secretary of the University)

Email &

Phone: 1-800-258-6687

Mail: PO Box 873702, Tempe, AZ 85287


Twitter: @ASU_Alumni





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After 7 months of WAFFLING, 7 months of unsuccessful shopping for a dissenting opinion, Arizona State University under Michael Crow throws ASUPD Officer Ferrin under the bus after every official entity clears him.





Content submitted by a guest writer who would like to remain anonymous.

On Thursday January 8th the majority of employees at the Arizona State University Police Department found out one of their own was being terminated by… their chief of police Michael Thompson? No. Were they told by his bosses Morgan Olsen, Kevin Salcido, Michael Crow, or any random dean that wants to boss a police chief around? No. Employees found out when the Arizona Republic ran an article about it because they knew prior to the employees of ASUPD. Employees of a state police department find out more about their department from the local news than their anti-transparent mismanagement team. Way to go!

We knew this was coming months ago, but now it’s official. We have been hearing for months how ASUPD command was on a new fault finding expedition, pouring through Officer Stewart Ferrin’s personnel file, opening new internal affairs complaints, and producing disciplinary paper in his absence. Yes…we know, and there’s so much more. The Arizona State University clears Officer Ferrin, the ASUPD clears him, but then the media blitz happens.

The ever compensating Michael Crow clown school at the Fulton center panics, gets cold feet, and waffles hard left on their previous decision.  The Maricopa County attorney, the AZ courts, and the FBI, all clear Officer Ferrin. Whatever your opinion is on this issue, those are the facts. As usual the public university, with a fist full of public dollars, will attempt to spend its way out a problem they invented despite being told by every state and federal entity there’s no case against Officer Ferrin and he did nothing wrong. How do you know if you are running with a fringe agenda? The sign on the door says push, but you keep pulling, it doesn’t open and you keep pulling. No matter what you hear, what you know, you keep pulling for your agenda.

You know what people think of you by the way you’re treated. It’s nothing new; the administration of this university does not care about public safety, its police department, and especially the low on the totem pole officers on patrol for this university. We get bullied by any dean that takes the time to bother, we get passed up for raises other officers have received for years, our department patrol numbers have remained nearly stagnant for a decade as the university balloons beyond comparison.

Time and time again we hire and fail to retain employees with very few making it to retirement. Our chief can’t even demote employees, fire employees, nor do anything to effectively run the department without explicit approval from ASU Human resources and ASU university administration.  I would like to tell you that lessons will be learned by the people making these decisions, but you know better. They have a theoretical thesis to support no matter what the evidence of reality supports.

Could both sides have been more courteous? Yes.  Only one was resisting a lawful arrest, only one kicked and assaulted the other, and it’s not the University employee they are attempting to fire. That’s the university employee they are keeping. Is Officer Stuart Ferrin the target of neo-racism, academic elitism, a fringe agenda, wafflehouse pussies, or all of the above? The writing is on the wall.

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