News from admin

Glad to see that the haemorrhaging of staff has been noted. What happened in the KSA Student Office lately seems to be typical. I’m told it went something like this:

The roly mophead manager
Observed her team and said
“Can’t stand these happy workmates,
It cabbages me ‘ead –
They all go the extra mile
When they should be shortcutting instead”

Her aim was clear for all to see
But she didn’t give a feck
She bulldozed on to turn the place
Into a second SEC
Filled with shiny SITsbots
All science-y and tech

So that’s the way it is, I guess,
And wish the team good luck.
Not less is more, but less is less –
And we just won’t think about the NSS


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One Response to News from admin

  1. GUart says:

    It seems the role mophead manager has gone offski on a permanent basis. I do hope the gym in Beverley has strengthened its floors….

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