Another one bites the dust!

Hahahahahaha! As the title suggests, another toff has bitten the dust!

Death: “Next customer please”

Toff: “Oh good day Mr. Death”

Death: “Bye you rich fucker”

Toff: “Well I errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” (Shits him/herself)

Death: “Next please”…and so on!

Since they are dropping like flies lately then perhaps we can take a bit of a break?

Just a sweet little message…


A lot of people seem to be moving to Berlin in order to live the antifa dream but unless you are moving there for work, family, relationship, asylum or whatever other perfectly valid reason then please, stay where you are. Fascists do exist where you are, even if it is just one loner fantasising about the SS then that is one too many. By moving to Berlin you are creating a deficit where you are already. Besides, Berlin is not that much different to other places in Germany, or elsewhere for that matter, in terms of politics etc. If I am to be brutally honest, political long-term tourists and hipster politicos are more a part of the problem than a part of the solution. You are needed where you are. By all means if you go to Berlin for some valid reason and want to be active there then thumbs up, great but if you go to Berlin solely to be politically active then please kindly do one!

But “we” are being bled dry!

So we have it, absolute confirmation that “we” are being bled dry by migrants from the “EU”. Confirmation you say? Well ermmm, a mere 6% of the UK population are migrants from the “EU” and a mere 2.2% of benefits claimants are “EU” migrants.

On top of this, “EU” migrants generate £463 PER SECOND in revenue for the exchequer. According to City A.M. “once the costs of government spending on immigrants are taken into account, migrants generate a net benefit to the economy of £55 per second.” Also according to Rapid Formations “EU” migrants contribute 13.5% more in taxes than they receive in benefits.

But yeah, those are “EU” migrants” in general, the majority are ‘scrounging Romanians and Bulgarians’ (So the narrative goes)…except the majority of “EU” migrants are from Spain, Poland and France.

And finally “The vast majority of EU migrants who came to the UK in 2013/14 – 62 per cent – came to Britain to work. In fact, a third already had a job waiting for them, according to the report.”

Being bled dry by “EU” migrants are “we”? Hardly!

I am no liberal and I am anti-EU (As I am anti-statist and anti-states in general and the EU is a neo-liberal super state). I realise that this is an argument pointing out how much the state is fed in taxes etc. and a slightly liberal argument but the narrative is that “EU” migrants are likened to leeches and parasites when the in fact, on the basis of that very argument the facts show different. I honestly could not give a shit how much the UK has available in taxes to spend on funding the police, prisons, arms industry; judiciary, MI5/MI6/GCHQ/DIS and the military so they can commit murder and pillage around the world and cover up child abuse. My argument is that the general anti-“EU” migrant narrative is absolute bollocks. The anti-migrant narrative in general is bollocks and that is what I am simply pointing out on the basis of the false arguments put forward by right-wingers and their cheer leaders in the general populace.

(Source (Because I am not Britain First or the EDL):

Oh The Sun, what would we do without you?

So pseudo-comic The Sun has excelled itself today with the latest “anarchist” scare story.

Sensationally spread across the front cover in typical grotesque Sun style, it claimed that on the 5th November’s “Million Mask March” washout that one horse was stabbed, another had its legs slashed and fireworks were throw purposefully at the police horses (Implied). Also guilty of this is Horse Talk, some shit New Zealand website about horses.

There are a few points why I think this does not sound quite right.

  • The police horse supposedly stabbed in the eye – Police horses wear visors protecting the eyes and middle to upper parts of the face. How could it be possible to stab a horse in the eye through a visor?
  • Legs slashed – Horses were not close enough to the protestors whilst stationary and whilst mobile they were either running away or moving very fast in other directions. The speed police horses go at whilst in action make it very difficult for a human to be able to slash its legs. Anyone who has ever faced or even seen a police horse in action will know that. If legs were slashed whilst stationary why were the perpetrators not arrested then? Anyway where is the proof? Videos? Photos of injuries? None released so far, a bit suspicious I think.
  • Fireworks were thrown at police horses Fireworks were not purposefully targeted at police horses rather the pigs riding on top of them.

Look, if police horses were deliberately targeted then fair enough such actions should be condemned and the perpetrators given a good seeing to by us. However the horses were not the targets, horses may have been injured as collateral damage (Which is bad enough) which is to be expected if you have coward pigs (The actual intended targets) riding on top of them. Tell the filth to stop being cowards and come down off the horses and face people one-on-one. But they will not because they are cowards. In fact it is a form of abuse to purposefully take an animal into a situation whereby it can be subjected to harm and intimidation whether intended or otherwise. This is all so a few pigs can feel big, mighty and safe riding on top of them.

As evidence of this we have the word of the police (Which we know is always the absolute truth because the police have never lied) and a few tweets of photographs of police horses, no injuries or solid proof shown.

But what about Anonymous?

I have seen the way Anonymous can go on and how reckless they are (I have kicked off with them on the streets about how reckless they can be), I hate Anonymous so no love lost for them here. ANONYMOUS ARE NOT ANARCHISTS, they are a rather dubious bunch of people without a set level of politics and/or without a set political tradition. They more or less pride themselves on this fact. It is lazy reporting on the part of The Sun and other media outlets to simply pluck a political label out of the air and slap it on a bunch of people who do not subscribe to it.

Having said all of this The Sun is not exactly know for fair and accurate reporting a la Hillsborough, the great miner’s strike of 1984-1985 and the Wapping dispute and on and on and on.



Food for thought from the 43 Group

“Anything you do to deter people from doing what, doing the nasty things they want to do is a good thing.”

“You can not prevent 50 people, 50 postmen or 50 dustmen having anti-semitic thoughts, but you can prevent 50 dustmen forming an anti-semitic dustmen’s association.”

Julia Hartley-Brewer talking shit again!

I am not defending Adam Clifford’s choice of the word “sweetheart”, kind of a bad choice but what I have to say is not about him. I want to look at something which Julia Hartley-Brewer said in the Huffington Post article. Hartley-Brewer reportedly said “most people, people who vote” and “”In May we had an election. It’s how we find out what people think.”

Well that is not strictly true now is it Hartley-Brewer? Because in the 2015 general election there was a 66.1% voter turn out (Among those eligible to vote) across the United Kingdom. Out of this a mere 36.9% voted for the ruling regime (Minus the Monarchy of course who are unelected rulers), the Conservative Party. So that basically leaves 36.9% of a 66.1% turnout of eligible voters (I.e. not even the entire UK population). Not really an accurate reflection of public thinking is it? Considering we have a party making up the majority of parliament who MOST people in the UK did not vote for. This proves how flawed and ridiculous the vote and parliamentary democracy really is.

What about those who did not vote? That is a lot of people, basically 33.9% of the entire population who are eligible to vote. Are you saying at least 33.9% of the UK do not deserve a say?

Also a lot of votes were protest votes which are not a sincere and exactly accurate reflection of real opinion. It is simply hot air. Where do these people stand?

As for Hartley-Brewer’s comment on “poor people”, what would you know about that? You live in your middle/upper-class bubble where you think parliamentary democracy is an accurate reflection of the thinking of the majority of the UK i.e. the working-class.

Hartley-Brewer, I would like to say a lovely good bye with a big FUCK OFF!


What a load of shit!

11233256_1684993158453508_6691327273647789608_n 12063583_1684993155120175_1523901010704592007_n

This is why I never trust conspiracy theories especially around protests.

The car being towed is from April 2011:

Conspiracy theories are not just embarrassing but completely regressive. True the world is not black and white but most of the crap spewed out by conspiracy theorists is just that, crap.

As for the truncheon, I have no idea but all I do know is that when undercover coppers go well, undercover, they generally tend to wear a utility belt holding their gear. And the shiny hair and shoes? Are we all supposed to be a bunch of scruffs on demos? Also what use would an agent provocateur have for a truncheon? It’s going to look a bit dodgy a deep undercover copper wielding a truncheon around in the air. Not even the police are that daft.

Where conspiracy theories in general are concerned, especially “Illuminati” based ones, I recommend people read this:

I do not often praise Anonymous stuff but…

a decent sized demo happened yesterday (and the plus side is that most were not Anonymous) in London in which the police were given a hard time and had one of their vehicles trashed and set on fire. The pigs were violent and cocky as usual so the protesters responded in kind and some coppers were injured, good, maybe they will not be so cocky and ‘tough’ next time. I am no fan of Anonymous to say the least but this seemed like a pretty decent action and those arrested should be given maximum support.

A top copper crying about violence from protesters without acknowledging or condemning police violence. A few decent videos too (Minus the Anonymous masks). Also some dickheads need to be a bit more careful with the fireworks and make sure they are not fired into their own crowd…tossers!:

Other links: