A little bit of justice done



“The Cottesmore, which is based near Oakham in Rutland, cancelled its meet today…” Some foxes lives will have been saved so I guess she had some use then.

Solidarity with the students!

Yesterday saw the national student demonstration in London against the axing of student grants and their replacement with more student loans. This means working-class students have even less opportunity than before to access further and higher education.

The pigs were as brutal as ever but it does not surprise me that if they were ever on their own without their uniform and weapons they would not be as brave and cocky. They will have their day but for now we need to show maximum solidarity with the students and potential students. The National Union of Students (NUS) are useless Quisling fucks who are only good for getting discounts at shops and  organising the occasional trip away. Students need to organise themselves autonomously and radically or within the National Coalition Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC). Meet each other, come together and organise.

As a blue collar worker I am grateful of the contribution which students make to the socialist scene (Minus Counterfire and the SWP of course) and appreciate and understand the struggles of working-class students. Besides that many students go on to become doctors, engineers, solicitors and other things which face it, we can not do without. The state is committed to denying and putting obstacles in place to bar some working-class people from becoming doctors and so on. This must be resisted as those occupations should not be the sole preserve of the middle and upper-classes.


Some videos of the demo: