Shut down the Ripper Museum!

Excellent review of the museum and article written by an actual historian who specialises in the 19th Century.–byGlpKjyPg


More articles:–ZJypX_9JDx

Joshua Walker:  “But what is sexual violence? No-one really knows” – You are supposed to be giving the place a good image not making it worse you twat! What is sexual violence? Want to know who knows? THE FUCKING VICTIMS!

Chattering classes are going to chatter!

So we have the above gem from champagne socialist and chattering class extraordinaire Leah Borromeo. I guess that it is hardly surprising she is hostile to Class War, Class War is against everything that she is. She is the type of person who likes their safe and comfy activist sphere and then goes to live her middle-class life and perpetuating her middle-class privilege. Having your cake and eating it is what comes to mind. Well guess what Leah, most of us do not have that luxury and we do not need to be lectured from your ivory tower by someone who is a part of the enemy class.

I am glad that Class War are ruining anarchism for them (Middle/upper-class trendy lefty/hipster activists) because it is not for them. Leah Borromeo knows NOTHING of anarchism as is partly evident when she ridiculously claims that anarchism is ‘for all social classes’. Well I can tell you that it is not ‘for all social classes’, anarchism’s very basis is class struggle and you can not have class struggle if all classes are so superficially united and in such a deluded way. The middle and upper-class derive their political, economic and social power solely from capitalism and the perpetuation of capitalism. Whereas as working-class people seeking emancipation from and the destruction of capital, our interests are in the destruction of that system which hands the middle and upper-classes their political, social and economic power. The world can not do without our labour power but the world can do without the idle middle and upper-classes. I suppose doctors and engineers for example (Some of whom are from working-class backgrounds themselves) are the exception but in a classless society they will lose their class status. The position of a doctor or an engineer does not depend upon the perpetuation of the class system, we will always need them regardless. It is the middle and upper-classes as a class that we need rid of. Can we have ‘middle-class allies’? Well yes, but they are VERY few and far between and Leah Borromeo is certainly not one of them. Some of my closest mates and ‘comrades’ are from middle-class backgrounds but they have renounced as much as they can (In the hear and now) their social status. But again they are very few and far between and they are the exception. Most of us are working-class so it is not an absolute must for us to have true (Or false) allies from middle and upper-class backgrounds, we can do without their support but it is always nice to have it.

She is part of the gentrification process herself. She probably sits in her office/studio on Commercial Road and pontificates to the rest of us. She frequents gentrifying establishments ( and and is very much a part of the chattering class i.e. the enemy.

Also Leah Borromeo uses the term “anarcho-syndicalist” as if all anarchists use that label or adheres to the specific analysis of that set of ideas and principles. I am an anarchist, most of my political ‘comrades’ are, but only a few of them identify as anarcho-syndicalists. Personally I identify as either an anarcho-communist (I suppose the difference between anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism is marginal but still different) or simply an anarchist. I also sometimes identify as an autonomous socialist or an industrial unionist. I am not an anarcho-syndicalist and not many in Class War are.


Above: Leah Borromeo and her 5 minutes of proledom at the controversial anti-homeless spikes. She had this to say: “Because like yah, I soooo feel what the homeless feel now, you know? Yah, OK, that is enough of that. Shall we go for champagne tonight chaps or a chic coffee or cocktail?”.

P.S. There is a sound reason why Class War had the highest membership numbers of an anarchist organisation between the early 1980s and 2010 (When it folded as a group). There is also a reason why Class War as a paper had the highest circulation in Britain of any anarchist publication (15,000 a week at its height). There is even a reason why since 2013/2014 Class War has once again taken off. Such reasons are because people like you Leah do not and can never appeal to the majority of society, that majority being the working-class. I am not saying that every prole in the land is pinning hopes on Class War, that is delusion typical of cause tourists like yourself. All I am saying is that Class War speaks to the average working-class person far better than most other anarchists ever could.

Decent article

I am sick of the whole Cereal Killer thing so now I am going to stop posting about it (Unless something like the Keery brothers have stopped crying and pissing themselves scared into a bowl of £4 cereal or the business has shut down) and concentrate on other issues. I am not going to respond to comments on the issue either so please, do yourselves a favour and do not even bother.


OT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A message to the clowns…

Dear Clowns,

For those of you who believe the lies about a dog getting kicked and ripped apart at Saturday’s Fuck Parade in East London I will ask you to think about one thing, why has the owner of this supposed dog not come forward to speak about it? Where is the evidence, the photos or videos of the incident? In fact, why has the incident not been reported to the police so that they can review CCTV footage from one of the many cameras in that area?

Why has none of this been done?

Consider one thing, the person who originally made this allegation is a part owner of a gentrifying business so it is not like this person would have a vested interest in discrediting anti-gentrification protestors anyway. Also where is the footage? The one who originally made the allegations of animal abuse has plenty of photos of the Fuck Parade but none of the alleged animal cruelty? Very strange indeed. I would get proof if I seen that happen.

Could it be that this alleged incident never even took place and the person making the claims is exercising vested interests in seeing anti-gentrification protestors discredited? Or free publicity?

Just think before you believe what others tell you, it is not hard.




Excellent Guardian comment.

“They were not a violent mob they just care about there area. The middle classes always wear there righteousness on there sleeves Whether it’s saving Africa or the Rain Forest and there obligatory ethnic minority friend there so P.C. There rampage all over London is a disgrace, it’s a city that is now in need of saving from them. Look at what they do when they gentrify an area it stop being inclusive and very quick become exclusive, they do absolutely nothing for the locals, in fact they’re so unfriendly. It just alienate the local and they’re force to move away this is happening all over London at a rate that’s quite frightening . You only have to look at East Dulwich it’s unrecognizable from what it was just 16 years ago. Clapham, Battersea places that I knew well is also unrecognizable. The fight back is starting and what ever course it takes I say let the ball bounce were it may, because it’s long over due I hope it spreads all over London.” – Whoever you are, well said!

Ahhhhhh Life is so good! :-D

I love all of these people who are crying into their £4 cereal and taking the time out to give myself some excellent life advice. Keep it coming please, I never knew where I was going wrong in life until you all showed up. Much love! :-) (My intentions have obviously worked as you are all so bothered by what I write)

Well said from a friend of a friend!


1) Opening a shop that sells children’s cereals for £4 a bowl in a borough in which 49% the kids are living in poverty and many people eat on less than £4 a day is a fucking insult.

2) Estate agents growing rich from people’s struggle to keep a roof over their head are vultures feeding off gentrification and the homelessness that goes with it.

3) Cutting benefits to the poor in the name of austerity while cutting taxes for the rich is a class war.

4) Demolishing council housing and evicting the people in them to build luxury apartments for the City boys who profit from their homelessness is social cleansing.

6) If you don’t already know this, you never will, which makes you part of the problem, if only for your stupidity.

Just thought I’d clarify a few things.

The Pig.”