Happy Thanksgiving to everyone helping to make positive changes in policing for the ASU community! ASU Police Lost Two of the Biggest “Turkeys” in 2014 due to your efforts.

ASU Police Thanksgiving! Lost two of our biggest turkeys and we're not missing them!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who contributed to positive change after 14 years of __________!

A very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who contributed to the pursuit of truth, demanded straight answers from public officials reluctant to give them, and who uncovered what a wayward government entity would rather hide despite the laws of transparency. The working employees of ASU Police and the public owe you a debt of gratitude.

Thank you, Anne Ryman, Rob O’Dell, Stuart Warner, Emilie Eaton, D.S. Woodfill, Jim Romenesko, and Sundevilsagainstsexualassault. Your efforts have sped up the process of change towards accountability in public safety at ASUPD. We also thank the employees of ASUPD who realized that change can only come from the outside and had the courage and intelligence to pursue it and contact the media, post on the Integrity Report, despite the bullies, internal threats, and paper tigers of intimidation. The year 2014 has been productive, but we are nowhere near where we need to be within the Arizona State University Police Department so the fight continues, the exposure will continue, and we will double our efforts. Stand by!

2014 News Articles to date:

1. ASU police staffing trails campus growth – AZCentral.com


2. ASU, ASUPD under Federal Investigation


3. ASU, community-college police got military surplus


4. ASU Police Officers Have 70 Semi-Automatic M-16s They Don’t Need


5. ASU police plan to return surplus M-16 assault rifles


6. ASU police on heightened alert after violent sexual assault…


7. ASU names new chief for embattled campus police force


8. Sexual assaults at ASU rarely result in expulsions


9. Embarrassment a bad reason for government to redact facts


10. Arizona State University won’t let the Arizona Republic see sexual assault victims’ names


11. ASU Flouts Arizona Law, Refusing to Turn Over the Names of 36 Sexual Assault Victims


12. Sun Devils Against Sexual Assault (Not an article, but plenty of good information about the problem of sexual assault at ASU)


13. Coming soon…

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24 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving to everyone helping to make positive changes in policing for the ASU community! ASU Police Lost Two of the Biggest “Turkeys” in 2014 due to your efforts.

  1. ComeOnNow4real says:

    Damn! I lost track of how many times the department has been in the paper lately. How many newspaper articles have to be written about your university police department before you stop denying anything is wrong and do something about it?

    It’s not the troops, it’s their leadership. I love the Thanksgiving card! That’s nice. I’m so glad I don’t have to work for either one of these men anymore. I don’t know of anyone who misses them. Buh bye!

    • JustTheFacts says:

      The department hasn’t changed for years, the media attention and this blog are the only things that made anyone start paying attention and making some changes. Thank You!

  2. Embudo says:

    John Pickens and Jim Hardina were two of the most destructive elements in the PD that will never again occupy the third-floor. Now that’s something to be thankful for.

  3. DL500unit says:

    All these fact based articles exposing more and more liability, negligence, and what does the leadership of the university think is needed? Fix the leadership deficiency at the Arizona State University Police Department? Nope. More public relations spin.

    A recent email from Chief Thompson said,

    “We are in the process of creating a full time public information officer that will work for the department. They will be responsible for all media inquires, public records requests, social media, press conferences, and press related stories.”

    It doesn’t look like they get it.

    • ThySummons says:

      Nope, they still don’t get it. Hiring a full-time public information officer is not going to fix the problems in the police department.

      Another university/ASUPD inept ploy to attempt to stem the plethora of bad PR.

    • JustTheFacts says:

      They don’t get it, but once they do they will be embarrassed by the games they played denying the truth.

  4. twocents says:

    This is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. After that many news stories I’m surprised they waited this long for a full time PIO. It’s all about appearances. If they cared about police work these two “turkeys” would have been out of a job a long time ago.

    • indeedYOUsay says:

      It’s been said over and over there by the people who get it, they are reactive, not proactive. You have to be smart and know what you’re doing to be proactive. These people are puppet headed mouth pieces who are still behind the learning curve of competent policing models.

      Are their sons and daughters here getting assaulted, raped, and robbed? Are their children being peddled every type of drug known to man at the nation’s #1 party school, missing, or found dead? Nope. Maybe that’s why they have no empathy to change things here unless the media puts their boot in their ass.

  5. RUkiddingMe says:

    Happy Thanksgiving 2014 for sure! The ethical character of these two men cheapens the status of being a police officer in Arizona. Neither one was a cop, something our new number 1 and 2 have achieved. How many 100’s of employees have come and gone under Pickens? I’m sure that has nothing to do with leadership, no way.

  6. JustTheFacts says:

    They are finally gone from the agency, thank god. There were so many smiling faces at ASU PD once the news was official. Their bad dog buddies are still running amuck doing what they know best. Get ready for people heading for the hills again.

  7. JustTheFacts says:

    The department hasn’t changed for years, the media attention and this blog are the only things that made anyone start paying attention and making some changes. Thank You!

  8. GodI LOve the Blog! says:

    Keep up the good work guys! You have much more support than you know!

    • Embudo says:

      Thanks for your support during our arduous journey for accountability and justice.

    • BurningheapofFail says:

      Hats off to Anne Ryman and the media for the hard fact investigative journalism that’s further exposing the mess. You can’t clean up a mess if you don’t know it’s there.

      A functioning police department will be better prepared to help people and save lives. The university’s unwillingness to act is disgraceful.

  9. guerriero says:

    Too bad they didn’t take the commanders with them. These two getting canned were the first two steps in the right direction and the department has miles to go.

  10. DontLOLmeJP says:

    How many times does the news need to point it out to Dr. Crow that there’s a problem? If his goal is to look like a fool then mission accomplished. You would think the largest university in the nation would take public safety seriously.

    • OneFlewOverTheCuckoo'sPD says:

      For a man (Mike Crow) who many claim is brilliant, he sure hasn’t exhibited any brilliance when it comes to how he’s allowed his police department to be be poorly managed over the years.

      What a brilliant move in retaining John Pickens in the university after he was “diplomatically fired” from the police department. Brilliant move, Mike!

    • Farewell says:

      A brilliant move by President Mike Crow would be to permanently remove Morgan Olsen (CFO) and Kevin Salcido (HR) from the university.

    • indeedYOUsay says:

      They would rather spend this place dry on public relations than spend a fraction of the money fixing the underlying issues of corrupt and incompetent leadership at ASUPD.

      What they haven’t figured out is that everyone can see through the illusion, so no amount of public relations is going to fix it, only fixing it will do.

      The only thing keeping the agency afloat right now is a temporary lull in big agency hiring, then it’s back to musical chairs as a scheduling model on the hope and prey nothing happens strategic plan. With so many new rookie officers what could go wrong?

    • BurningheapofFail says:

      Crow’s police department made the news this year more than the Kardashians made the tabloids. As long as ABOR is absent mindedly going along with everything what incentive is there to change it? It’s like he’s begging for more and more exposure of the problems and the embarrassment that comes with them.

  11. indeedYOUsay says:

    It’s been said over and over there by the people who get it, they are reactive, not proactive. You have to be smart and know what you’re doing to be proactive. These people are puppet headed mouth pieces who are still behind the learning curve of competent policing models.

    Are their sons and daughters here getting assaulted, raped, and robbed? Are their children being peddled every type of drug known to man at the nation’s #1 party school, missing, or found dead? Nope. Maybe that’s why they have no empathy to change things here unless the media puts their boot in their ass.

    • BurningheapofFail says:

      It’s hard to imagine someone not having empathy for people in these situations. They must disassociate themselves from the problem. They allowed a ineffective, unimaginative, absentee chief to be in charge of the police department for 14 years and were either unaware of the issues or indifferent to them as long as reported crime stats were low.

      Just another reason why there should be further inquiries into what they were doing with Clery reporting. All of a sudden key department people are given a crash course get it done assignment?

      Thank you Shady Slim Pickens, thank you. Another poster mentioned how certain people have cheapened the value of the badge and they are correct. The professor Ore arrest story and the Bill Richardson story on who is officer Ferrin would be a good additions to this list.

  12. funnyashell says:

    Someone said the former chief in this photo looks like a large mouth bass out of water. I was content with saying he just looked like an out of touch asshole too nervous to talk to his people and pissed off about having to do so.

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