Monthly Archives: October 2011

Maison des roms in Paris firebombed, 24/10/11

Yesterday evening the Maison des Roms in the 20th arrondissement of Paris – a warehouse owned by the Mairie de Paris which has been squatted for almost a year by around 100 Roma including children and elderly people – was burned down after a firebomb attack. Fortunately there were no fatalities; one passer-by was taken to hospital.

The attack came two days after a demonstration in the neighbourhood where some demonstrators proclaimed “we are going to burn everything!”. Le Collectif contre la xĂ©nophobie has denounced the attack and demanded that the authorities make every effort to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

Dozens of unaccompanied minors homeless in Seine-Saint-Denis

A month after the decision of the conseil general of Seine-Saint-Denis (north-east of Paris) to stop housing unaccompanied minors, citing lack of funds, dozens of teenagers are sleeping rough, reports The president of the tribunal pour enfants de Bobigny has made an appeal to the department’s residents to house the youngsters; meanwhile employers of the tribunal have been collecting funds to pay for breakfast for them.