Monthly Archives: May 2012

Young migrant stabbed to death in Ouistreham, Normandy, 16/05/12

A young “Albanian, Afghan or Palestinian” migrant aged about 20 was stabbed to death last Wednesday 16th May in Ouistreham, in Basse-Normandie, reports France 3.

His body was recovered on Wednesday evening on a dual carriageway in  Ouistreham. According to initial enquiries, he was stabbed several times when he tried to board an HGV parked in a lorry park which was due to go to Portsmouth.

Gendarmes have arrested two individuals suspected of being involved in the murder. The investigators suspect the murder was the result of a disagreement between migrants or with a trafficker.

Demo against asylum profiteers in Bern, 05/05/12

Yesterday, Saturday 5th May, 300 people demonstrated in Bern against an underground asylum lager (camp) run by the private company ORS Services AG. 160 asylum seekers are living there in inhumane condition with 40 people sharing a room, with no money and no cooking facilities. The organising commitee, which includes people from other lagers in the canton (region) of Bern who have already protested against the conditions they have to live in, promised that will be the first of many demonstrations against asylum profiteers. See photos and a report (n German) here.

UMP office occupied by sans-papiers in Lille, 02/05/12

At 9.30am this morning (02/05/12) around 70 sans-papiers occupied a UMP office in Lille, reports La Voix du Nord . They were protesting against “the stigmatisation of sans-papiers and immigration in the discourse of Nicolas Sarkozy’s campaign”, and demanded “the regularisation of the sans-papiers who were arrested during the previous occupation of the UMP offices in Lille”. Following negotiations with the police, the occupiers left the offices at 11am, and marched towards the city centre. There were no arrests.